Albums scraped2021-12-16T19:34:07.500Z
Last updated2021-12-26T13:42:17.150Z
Released at
70Vengeance - Demo1978
3Skrewdriver - Hail The New Dawn1984
80Skrewdriver - Blood & Honour1985-12
22Vengeance - 19861989
72Skrewdriver - Blood and Honour1990
89Landser - Das Reich kommt wieder1992
34Odins Erben - Helden sterben einsam1993
39Lord of Evil - Kill for Satan1993
14Midtown Bootboys - The Time Has Come1994
23Lord of Evil - Satanic War Master (Der Führer)1994
29Lord of Evil - Satan's Soldiers1994
21Vengeance - Out of the Darkness1995
75Vlajka - Hej Bratře!1995
65Vlajka - Skin'n'Roll1996
73Valhalla - Az Ítélet Napja1996
79Midtown Bootboys - Unfinished Business1996
85Landser - Berlin bleibt deutsch1996
91Bloodstained Boots - Straight Laced Nightmare1996
7Landser - Rock gegen Oben1997
96STURMGESANG - Brecht euer Schweigen1997
26Lord of Evil - Soldiers of Satan1998
68Landser - Guess who's coming to Dinner?1998
84Hets Mot Folkgrupp - White Power1998
86No Quarter - Fields of Glory1998
20Der Stürmer - Europa Erwache!1999
81Patriotic Front - Spirit Of A Nation1999
31Der Stürmer - Siegtruppen2000
32Landser - Zigeunerfahrt2000
74No Quarter - Who Dares Wins2000
88Blackshirts - The Blackshirts Rise Again2000
95Landser - Landser in English2000
99Peter and the Wolf - Anti-Social2000
100Landser - Ran an den Feind2000
9Der Stürmer - The Blood Calls for W.A.R.!2001-10
30Chingford Attack - Reds Better Run When We're on the Attack2001
94DJ Himmler - Parteitag 19332001
17Infernal War - Infernal SS2002-06
45Jew Slaughter - Alcoholocaust2002
52Landser - tanzorchester immervoll2002
59Der Stürmer - Iron Will & Discipline2002
1Infernal War - Infernal War2004
33Wehrhammer - Fürchtet Euch Vor Seinem Zorn2004
43Лють - Дніпро 14/882004
83Лють - Dnipro 14/882004
97Hunting Season - 2nd Freikorps Generation2004
2Blood Red Eagle - Return To Asgard2005
19Aeiou - F.H.T.2005
28Киборг - Нет Россиянам!2005
35Сейтар - Смерть Ворогам2005
48Warhammer - We Are the Law2005
50Hets Mot Folkgrupp - Who Cares2005
6Лють - The Day Of The Rope2006-12-16
11Der Stürmer - A Banner Greater than Death2006
78Лють - День Петли (The Day Of The Rope)2006
47DJ Himmler - Am Eiffelturm2007
8Der Stürmer - Bloodsworn (The First Decade)2008-12-01
12DJ Himmler - Das Ewige Reich2008
41ХОРСС - Сопротивляйся2008
71Lord of Evil - Demo '93 - Demo '942008
77DJ Himmler - Heute Das Welt2008
13Киборг - Rabble2009
18DJ Himmler - Tausendjähriges Reich2009
76DJ Himmler - Unser Zukunft2009
5Bustum - The Return of Hate2010-03
16N.S.D.A.P. - Execution Of The Weak!2010-03
27DJ Himmler - Der Dritten Reich2010
37Киборг - Диктатура2010
56Der Stürmer - Carelian Pagan Madness2010
92Cross of Iron - demons of war2010
10Der Stürmer - Transcendental Racial Idealism2011-09-28
4Asmund - Воля2011-12-00
40Hunting Season - The Haunting2011
42Gigi in Musica - 25 Jahre2011
57DJ Himmler - Unreleased2011
58Hunting Season - Blood River2011
87Landser - Tanzorchester Immervoll... Jetzt erst recht2011
55Dunkelwhite - Rehearsal 20092013-07-12
24Der Stürmer - Areifatoi2013-10-30
53DJ Himmler - Unreleased II2013
62Asmund - К чертогам славы2013
98Aufschwung - Горечь Победы2014-05-09
49Asmund - Песнь крови2014
54Hunde des Krieges - Frontschweine2014
67ХОРСС - Ненависть прошлого. Гнев настоящего. Правосудие будущего2014
25Marduk - Frontschwein2015-01-19
69Heldenschwert - Blut & Stahl2015-06-11
46Kommandement - Bientôt Le Renouveau2015-09-15
38Wald - Рог Войны2015
61Jedem Das Seine - Flames Of Revenge2015
63KoenigsGrab - KoenigsGrab2016-05-05
15Phosphore Blanc - Xenophobos2016-07-01
44Maléfice - Le Monastère Des Hommes En Noir2016-08-31
90Whitelaw - Rise Of The Battalions2016
66Brigade 88 - Flamme der Freiheit2017-03-03
51Heldenschwert - Vorwärts Germania2017-05-08
93The Wampyric Specter - A Dark Quest Ιn Τhe Name Οf Death2018-03-31
64The Wampyric Specter - Macabre Fullmoon Effigy2018-07-01
36Marduk - Viktoria2018
60Bashka - 100% ANTI YOU2020
82Bashka - Мы Будем Пить2020