# | Name | Released at |
6 | Goatlord - Reflections of the Solstice | 1991-09-13 |
24 | Grand Belial's Key - Goat Of A Thousand Young | 1992-04-12 |
38 | Havohej - Dethrone the Son of God | 1993-05 |
27 | Grand Belial's Key - Triumph Of The Hordes | 1994 |
7 | Grand Belial's Key - Mocking the Philanthropist | 1997 |
41 | Grand Belial's Key - Mocking the Philantrophist | 1997 |
79 | Sarcophagus - Requiem to the Death of Passion | 1998 |
43 | Birkenau - In the Falling Snow | 1999 |
96 | Judas Iscariot - Distant In Solitary Night | 1999 |
33 | Viking Crown - Innocence from Hell | 2000-04-11 |
69 | Thornspawn - Blood of the Holy, Taint Thy Steel | 2000 |
18 | Grand Belial's Key - Castrate the Redeemer | 2001-07 |
28 | Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination | 2001 |
56 | Blood Stained Dusk - Dirge of Death's Silence | 2001 |
37 | Bone Awl - Magnetism of War | 2002 |
89 | Ludicra - Hollow Psalms | 2002 |
29 | Weltmacht - And to Every Beast its Prey | 2003-04 |
62 | Ibex Throne - Ibex Throne | 2003-09-10 |
80 | Xasthur - The Funeral Of Being | 2003-10-23 |
74 | Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror | 2004-06-16 |
64 | Krohm - A World Through Dead Eyes | 2004-08-17 |
98 | Krieg - Patrick Bateman | 2004-12 |
31 | Winter Of Apokalypse - Solitary Winter Night | 2004 |
73 | Leviathan - Tenticals Of Whorror | 2004 |
92 | Grom - By Oak, Ash and Thorns | 2004 |
3 | Twilight - Twilight | 2005-08 |
23 | Grand Belial's Key - Kosherat | 2005-12 |
48 | Ibex Throne - Total Inversion | 2006-03-06 |
72 | Leviathan - The Blind Wound | 2006-12-07 |
14 | Black Funeral - Waters of Weeping | 2007-04-16 |
49 | Profanatica - Profanatitas de Domonatia | 2007-05-14 |
54 | Krohm - The Haunting Presence | 2007-07-31 |
22 | Ampütator - Deathcult Barbaric Hell | 2007-08-14 |
15 | Nuclear Desecration - Desecrated Temple Of Impurity | 2008-02-12 |
94 | Lake of Blood - Heed The Primal Calling | 2008-07-22 |
55 | I'm in a Coffin - One Final Action | 2008-10-01 |
47 | Viaticum - Reliquary of the Horned One | 2008-10-23 |
46 | Blood Stained Dusk - Black Faith Inquisition | 2008-11-18 |
13 | Arizmenda - Within the Vacuum of Infinity... | 2009-10-12 |
45 | Roman Cross - Make Graves The Home Of Men | 2009 |
52 | Ampütator - Intolerance Deathsquads | 2009 |
88 | Nachtmystium - Addicts: Black Meddle II | 2010-06-08 |
32 | Teratism - Via Negativa | 2010-06-09 |
16 | I Shalt Become - Poison | 2010-06-22 |
9 | Dispirit - Rehearsal At Oboroten | 2010-07-02 |
8 | Profanatica - Disgusting Blasphemies Against God | 2010-08-16 |
26 | Various Artists - Crebain/Leviathan Split | 2010-09-01 |
50 | Imperial Triumphant - Obeisance | 2010-09-11 |
20 | Black Anvil - Triumvirate | 2010-09-28 |
35 | Woe - Quietly, Undramatically | 2010-10-12 |
71 | Clair Cassis - Clair Cassis II (EP) | 2010-11-03 |
40 | Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm | 2010-11-11 |
30 | Dub Buk - Мертві сорому не ймуть | 2010-11-16 |
2 | Negative Plane - Stained Glass Revelations | 2011-01-17 |
12 | Tukaaria - Raw to the Rapine | 2011-03-17 |
61 | Æðra - The Evening Red | 2011-05-31 |
81 | Leviathan - True Traitor, True Whore | 2011-11-08 |
17 | Bestia Arcana - To Anabainon ek tes Abyssu | 2011-12-06 |
83 | Deschain - Sea of Trees Forest of Gallows | 2011-12 |
65 | Galloping Shadow - Winters Web | 2011 |
99 | Abigail Williams - Becoming | 2012-01-24 |
53 | Lake of Blood - the burial grounds sessions | 2012-02-01 |
4 | Addaura - Burning for the Ancient | 2012-02-19 |
36 | Ash Borer - Bloodlands | 2013-03-01 |
82 | The Howling Wind - Vortex | 2013-08-08 |
76 | My Useless Life - Negative Memories | 2014-01-04 |
85 | Skáphe - Skáphe | 2014-05-04 |
91 | Young and in the Way - When Life Comes To Death | 2014-05-27 |
19 | Mortals - Cursed to See the Future | 2014-07-08 |
60 | Goatwhore - Constricting Rage of the Merciless | 2014-07-08 |
25 | Bastard Sapling - Instinct Is Forever | 2014-08-26 |
97 | Sovereign - Nailing Shut the Sacrosanct Orifice | 2015-02-17 |
34 | Ashbringer - Vacant | 2015-04-08 |
11 | Akhlys - The Dreaming I | 2015-04-20 |
42 | Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrososm | 2015-06-15 |
21 | Pale Chalice - Negate the Infinite and Miraculous | 2015-06-16 |
70 | Barghest - Into Weeping Firmament | 2015-07-03 |
5 | Yellow Eyes - Sick With Bloom | 2015-12-11 |
58 | Demoncy - Empire of the Fallen Angel (Eternal Black Dominion) | 2015 |
67 | Skáphe - Skáphe² | 2016-02-16 |
68 | Sanguine Relic - III - The Vampyre Weeps In Secrecy Of The Night | 2016-03-00 |
90 | Ustalost - The Spoor of Vipers | 2016-04-05 |
100 | VRTRA - My Bones Hold A Stillness | 2016-09-02 |
84 | Void Meditation Cult - Utter the Tongue Of The Dead | 2016-10-31 |
1 | Kehlani - Do U Dirty | 2017-01-13 |
86 | Witches Moon - A Swing of Sickle to Summers Dawn | 2017-08-03 |
39 | Yellow Eyes - Immersion Trench Reverie | 2017-10-20 |
77 | Morke - Sirens | 2017-12-02 |
10 | Uada - Cult Of A Dying Sun | 2018-05-25 |
66 | Dispirit - Enantiodromian Birth | 2018-07-15 |
75 | Sanguine Relic - The Essence of Eternity's Despair | 2018-10-04 |
87 | Hulder - Ascending the Raven Stone | 2018 |
44 | Devil Master - Satan Spits on Children of Light | 2019-03-01 |
63 | Akasha - Canticles Of The Sepulchral Deity | 2019-03-15 |
95 | Lamp Of Murmuur - The Burning Spears of Crimson Agony | 2020-07-05 |
51 | Folterkammer - Die Lederpredigt | 2020-12-11 |
93 | Vaamatar - Evil Witching Black Metal | 2020 |
78 | None - Damp Chill of Life | 2021-01-07 |
57 | Pan-Amerikan Native Front - Little Turtle's War | 2021-02-05 |
59 | STORMKEEP - Tales of Othertime | 2021-11-19 |