Albums scraped2021-12-03T14:35:26.657Z
Last updated2021-12-04T03:32:26.289Z
Released at
58Hüsker Dü - Candy Apple Grey1986-03-17
86Tom Waits - The Black Rider1993-10-25
69Honeywell - Industry1993
29Hüsker Dü - The Living End1994-04-12
89Orchid - We Hate You1997
28Reversal of Man - Revolution Summer1998
97Orchid - Orchid1998
83Pg.99 - Document #41999-07-07
17I Have Dreams - three days 'til christmas1999
18I Have Dreams - Three Days Til' Christmas1999
27Pg.99 - Document #11999
79Pg.99 - Singles2000-04-26
25Hassan I Sabbah - Hassan I Sabbah2000-09-03
59Hassan I Sabbah - Hassan I Sabbah 7"2000-09-03
78Orchid - Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow!2000-12-04
24Jeromes Dream - Seeing Means More Than Safety2000
38Reversal of Man - This Is Medicine2000
51mewithoutYou - Blood Enough For Us All2000
76Love Lost but Not Forgotten - Love Lost but Not Forgotten2000
85In/Humanity - Violent Resignation: The Great American Teenage Suicide Rebellion 1992-19982000
7Saetia - A Retrospective2001-10-01
74Reversal of Man - Discography2001
94Makara - Discography2001
100Joshua Fit for Battle - To Bring Our Own End2001
66Love Lost but Not Forgotten - Upon the Right, I Saw a New Misery2002-05-28
14A Days Refrain - A Days Refrain/Neil Perry split2002-08-20
33Neil Perry - A Days Refrain/Neil Perry Split2002-08-20
40Circle Takes the Square - Document #13: Pyramids In Cloth2002-08
98Supine - Deluge of Data, Recess of Thought2002-11-12
80Off Minor - The Heat Death Of The Universe2002
4Sailboats - Demo2003
15Portraits of Past - Discography2003
52Textbook Traitors - Vinyl Collections Vol. 12004-10-26
20Usurp Synapse - Disinformation Fix2004
91The Discord of A Forgotten Sketch - The Discord Of A Forgotten Sketch2004
34Jeromes Dream - Completed 1997-20012005-01
70I Hate Myself - Ten Songs2005-02-08
41Pg.99 - Document #72005-11-22
71Harrison Bergeron - Dead Bergeron2005-12-01
82Kevin Federline - Popozão2006-01-01
54Kevin Federline - Playing With Fire2006-10-31
21Cutting Pink With Knives - Oh Wow!2006
37Suis la lune - Quiet, Pull the Strings!2006
26Swallow! Swallow! Splinter! - demo2007
95The Saddest Landscape - All Is Apologized For. All Is Forgiven2007
23Off Minor - Some Blood2008-07-01
65Raein - nati da altri padri2008
13Kaospilot - Shadows2009-03-09
63Fight Fair - Broken2010-06-29
5Pianos Become the Teeth - Split2010-11-08
87Mane Horse - What do you mean We're just Friends?!2010-11-12
60Anna Blue - So Alone2010
57Teens - Teens2011-03-29
93Beau Navire - Split2011-05-19
43Full of Hell - Full of Hell/Goldust2011
75Mane Horse - Lord Unicorn & The Masters2011
49The Saddest Landscape - After the Lights2012-02-13
11Beau Navire - Lumens2012-06-15
67The Saddest Landscape - Live At New Alliance2013-06-11
9Lord Snow - Solitude2013-09-16
64Raccoon City Police Department - Nightlife2015-02-00
36Shizune - Le Voyageur Imprudent2015-03-02
48Father Figure - jumping off a building2015-04-07
56Father Figure - 死の手2015-04-07
6Loma Prieta - Self Portrait2015-10-02
44Ostraca - Deathless2015
81BEAST JESUS - In Various States of Disassembly2016-04-01
50Respire - Gravity and Grace2016-04-22
90Things Fall Apart - Things Fall Apart2016-05-13
46Heroin - Destination2016-06-04
39Stars Hollow - I'm Really Not That Upset About It2016-06-29
77Saetia - Collected2016-07-15
2Old Gray - slow burn2016-12-09
99Batièn - Il Fascino delle Idee2016
31i hate sex - World of Grief2017-04-20
22Shizune - CHEAT DEATH, LIVE DEAD!2017-05-17
32SeeYouSpaceCowboy... - Fashion Statements of the Socially Aware2017-06-03
72Chalk Hands - Burrows & Other Hideouts2017-08-25
42FRAIL HANDS - Frail Hands2017-09-03
47Quercia - Non è vero che non ho più l'età2017
84awakebutstillinbed - what people call low self-esteem is really just seeing yourself the way that other people see you2018-01-03
61Storm{O} - Ere2018-02-02
68Setsuko - The Shackles Of Birth2018-03-09
62Binary - Commit More Arson2018-07-03
8La Dispute - The Castle Builders (10th Anniversary)2018-08-07
53William Bonney - All Ten2018-12-13
30For Your Health - Death of Spring2018-12-26
12øjne - Prima Che Tutto Bruci2018
55Kid, Feral - Live and Let's Die!2019-03-20
35home is where - our mouths to smile2019-03-23
16Jeromes Dream - LP2019-07-19
96I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism in Your Yearbook - iwrotehaikusaboutcannibalisminyouryearbook LP2020-03-00
19Sevdaliza - Shabrang2020-08-00
88Lights Strung Like Stars - Fall Demo2020-11-03
1Your Arms Are My Cocoon - your arms are my cocoon2020-11-20
10Portrayal Of Guilt - We Are Always Alone2021-01-29
3home is where - I Became Birds2021-03-05
73home is where - the scientific classification of stingrays2021-03-05
92home is where - I Became Birds - EP2021-03-05