Albums scraped2021-12-06T18:35:03.886Z
Last updated2021-12-25T15:15:04.815Z
Released at
13Various Artists - A Tribute To Yngwie Malmsteen1975
65浜田麻里 - LUNATIC DOLL1983-04-21
94Blue Turner - Guitar Star1983
74Allan Holdsworth - Metal Fatigue1985
17Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey1988
28Marty Friedman - Dragon's Kiss1988
20Michael Lee Firkins - Michael Lee Firkins1990-08-21
46Richie Kotzen - Electric Joy1991-11-21
58Vinnie Moore - Meltdown1991
43Yngwie Malmsteen - Fire & Ice1992-01-07
44Mr. Big - Live1992-10-25
91Neil Zaza - Two Hands, One Heart1992
99Darren Housholder - Darren Housholder1992
38Greg Howe - Introspection1993
72Gary Hoey - The Endless Summer II1994-05-31
31Greg Howe - Uncertain Terms1994-11-08
32Marty Friedman - Inferno - Deluxe Edition1994
76Tony MacAlpine - Premonition1994
8Steve Vai - G3 - Live in concert1995
24Richie Kotzen & Greg Howe - Tilt1995
9Steve Vai - G3: Live in Concert1996
26Greg Howe - Five1996
30Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration1996
55Spastic Ink - Ink Complete1997-06-10
61Chris Duarte - Tailspin Headwhack1997
21Bumblefoot - Uncool2000-10
10Racer X - Superheroes2000
60Chris Poland - Chasing the Sun2000
63Holy Dragons - Thunder in the Night2000
77Holy Dragons - Judgement Day2000
82Tony MacAlpine - Chromaticity2001-08-07
14Bumblefoot - 9.112001-11
18McRad - Absence Of Sanity2001
39Jason Becker - Boy Meets Guitar - Volume 1 of the Youngster Tapes2001
53Reb Beach - The Fusion Demos2001
62Shawn Lane - Powers Of Ten Live2001
71Shawn Lane - Powers Of Ten; Live!2001
75Martone - A Demon's Dream2002-02-26
42Impellitteri - System X2002-10-14
29Alejandro Silva - Dios Eol2002
35Rusty Cooley - Rusty Cooley2002
97Chris Brooks - The Master Plan2002
64Fordirelifesake - Breathing In Is Only Half the Function2003-04-01
100Bumblefoot - Forgotten Anthology2003-04
56Buckethead - Cuckoo Clocks Of Hell2004-04-20
67Holy Dragons - Обитель Ветров2004-10-31
23Joe Stump - Speed Metal Messiah2004-11-16
81Holy Dragons - Полуночный гром2004
83Joe Stump - Guitar Dominance2004
1John 5 - Songs For Sanity2005-09-13
48Michael Angelo Batio - Hands Without Shadows2005-10-27
70Bumblefoot - Normal2005-12
19Andy James - Machine2005
84Paul Gilbert - Get Out Of My Yard2006-07-26
15Shawn Lane - The Tri-Tone Fascination2006
16Shawn Lane - The Tritone Fascination2006
36Guthrie Govan - Erotic Cakes2006
68Verdict Of Vengeance - Loyal Opposition2006
89Guthrie Govan - The Alchemists2006
86Michael Angelo Batio - 2 X Again2007-11-05
7Andy James - In the Wake of Chaos2007
54Holy Dragons - Dragon Steel2008-01-21
57Bumblefoot - Abnormal2008-07-01
45Bumblefoot - Barefoot - the acoustic ep2008-12-23
5Marco Sfogli - There's Hope2008
27Jason Becker - Collection2008
93Greg Howe - Sound Proof2008
4Yngwie Malmsteen - Angels of love2009-03-10
90Vinnie Moore - To The Core2009-05-26
69Ron Jarzombek - Phhhp! Plus2009-09-15
22Andy James - Kaos 72009
40Ethan Brosh - Out Of Oblivion2009
33George Lynch - Orchestral Mayhem2010-05-04
87Orthrelm - Orthrelm2010-06-01
25Paul Gilbert - Fuzz Universe2010-06-30
47Gus Drax - In Search Of Perfection2010
11Tony MacAlpine - Tony MacAlpine2011-06-21
80Skull Fist - Head Of The Pack2011-08-26
95Skull Fist - Head öf the Pack2011-08-26
78Stéphan Forté - the Shadows Compendium2011-11-28
2Andy James - Andy James2011
98Adrian Weiss - Big Time2011
49Jeff Loomis - Plains of Oblivion2012-04-10
34Marco Sfogli - Remarcoble2012-11-19
50Mr. Fastfinger - In Motion2012
3Polyphia - Inferno2013-04-21
52Yngwie Malmsteen - MAGNUM OPUS2013-08-28
85Skull Fist - Chasing The Dream2014-01-10
96Stéphan Forté - Enigma Opera Black2014-10-28
51Nili Brosh - A Matter of Perception2014
88Holy Dragons - Black Moon Rising (2006)2014
73Death and the Maiden - A Metal Tribute To String Quartets2015-03-20
66The Arbitrary - Identity2017-07-09
12master boot record - INTERRUPT REQUEST2017-09-20
92Syndrone - Chaos Mechanics2018-03-03
59Ultraboss - Slave To The Passion2019-06-23
37Takafumi Matsubara - Strange, Beautiful And Fast2019-09-20
6I Built The Sky - The Zenith Rise2019-10-31
79Ron Jarzombek - Beyond Life and Cosmic Kinetics2020-05-12
41Marty Friedman - TOKYO JUKEBOX 32020-10-21