Albums scraped2021-12-03T11:49:40.533Z
Last updated2021-12-04T00:19:17.835Z
Released at
52Pizzicato Five - Couples1987-04-01
60Pizzicato Five - Pizzicato Five1987-07-21
44Flipper's Guitar - THREE CHEERS FOR OUR SIDE1989-08-25
24Flipper's Guitar - CAMERA TALK1990-06-06
30Pizzicato Five - This Year's Girl1991-09-01
54Pizzicato Five - Sweet Pizzicato Five1992-09-02
11Flipper's Guitar - Singles1992-09-26
23Pizzicato Five - Bossa Nova 20011993-06-01
59ORIGINAL LOVE - EYES1993-06-16
74Pizzicato Five - Expo 20011993-11-01
22Cornelius - The First Question Award1994-02-25
56ORIGINAL LOVE - 風の歌を聴け1994-06-27
40Pizzicato Five - Five by Five1994-07-20
39Pizzicato Five - Overdose1994-10-01
5Pizzicato Five - Made in USA1994-10-11
36Towa Tei - Future Listening!1994-10-21
80Hi-Posi - 身体と歌だけの関係1994
78Pizzicato Five - Singles1995-03-00
86Pizzicato Five - 女王陛下のピチカート・ファイヴ1995-03-28
32Flipper's Guitar - カメラ・トーク1995-05-25
42Flipper's Guitar - ヘッド博士の世界塔1995-05-25
17Cornelius - 69/961995-09-06
47Pizzicato Five - Romantique 961995-09-30
46Pizzicato Five - The Sound of Music1995-10-31
93Pizzicato Five - Antique 961995-11-01
63ORIGINAL LOVE - ラヴァーマン1996-02-05
51Pizzicato Five - Sister Freedom Tapes1996-06-21
65Pizzicato Five - Combinaison Spaciale EP1996-06-21
84Butter 08 - Butter 081996-08-07
27Hi-Posi - かなしいことなんかじゃない1996-08-25
28Pizzicato Five - Happy End of the World1997-06-21
7Cornelius - Fantasma1997-08-06
4Cornelius - Fantasma (remastered)1997-09-03
81Hi-Posi - House1997-09-26
12Fantastic Plastic Machine - The Fantastic Plastic Machine1997-10-10
98Momus - Ping Pong1997
69Cornelius - FM1998-01-01
94Buffalo Daughter - New Rock1998-01-28
82Hi-Posi - GLUON1998-06-20
15Fantastic Plastic Machine - Luxury1998-09-10
67Cymbals - Missile & Chocolate1998-12-15
61Various Artists - BEAUTIFUL TECHNO1999-02-19
77Hi-Posi - 4n51999-07-17
90Hi-Posi - 性善説1999-07-17
85Round Table - domino1999
99Cornelius - Fm (Fantasma Remixes)1999
34Cymbals - That's Entertainment2000-01-21
48Nona Reeves - Destiny2000-10-12
71Pizzicato Five - Fifth Release from Matador2000
21Cornelius - Point2001-10-24
13Buffalo Daughter - I2001-11-21
45Capsule - ハイカラ・ガール2001-11-21
18Fantastic Plastic Machine - Beautiful2001
55Cymbals - sine2002-07-03
9Capsule - CUTIE CINEMA REPLAY2003-03-19
66Cymbals - requests!2003-09-03
35Capsule - phony phonic2003-11-19
96Freetempo - LoveAFFAIR2003-12-17
10Lamp - 恋人へ2004-02-11
75Eel - Little Prince2004-12-20
14Lamp - 木洩陽通りにて2005-05-25
33PINE*am - Pull the Rabbit Ears2005-05-31
41Hazel Nuts Chocolate - CUTE2005-09-14
6Capsule - L.D.K. Lounge Designers Killer2005-09-21
57Paris Match - after six2006-03-24
92Pizzicato Five - pizzicato five we love you2006-03-31
73Capsule - FRUITS CLiPPER2006-05-10
16Various Artists - Cars Original Soundtrack (English Version)2006-06-06
72Round Table featuring Nino - Nino2006-08-30
87PUFFY×東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ - ハズムリズム2006-09-20
29HALCALI - Look2006-12-13
504 bonjour's parties - Pigments Drift Down To The Brook2007-12-07
88Satanicpornocultshop - Takusan No Ohanasan2008
19土岐麻子 - TOUCH2009-01-14
43フレネシ - キュプラ2009-06-03
58Capsule - FLASH BEST2009-08-26
91Frog - EXAMPLE2009-10-15
83Fishmans - Chappie, Don't Cry2009
26Capsule - PLAYER2010-03-03
64Satanicpornocultshop - Arkhaiomelisidonophunikheratos2010-03-29
68バニラビーンズ - VaniBest2010-09-22
20salyu × salyu - s(o)un(d)beams2011-04-13
89Capsule - WORLD OF FANTASY2011-05-25
62Tomato n' Pine - なないろ☆ナミダ2011-08-17
53Capsule - STEREO WORXXX2012-03-07
76Meg - TRAP2012-06-13
37山下達郎 - OPUS ~ALL TIME BEST 1975-2012~2012-09-26
100Satanicpornocultshop - Orochi Under the Straight Edge Leaves2013
2Lamp - ゆめ2014-02-05
70Eel - Kung-fu Master2015-08-20
38Desired - Lovestory2015-10-09
31Fishmans - Orange2016-09-07
97For Tracy Hyde - he(r)art2017-11-02
8Cornelius - Mellow Waves2017
3TANUKI - Kanji Title2018-06-30
25Chai - PUNK2019-02-13
1Lamp - For Lovers2020-05-01
95Buffalo Daughter - We Are The Times2021-09-17