Albums scraped2021-12-03T07:06:21.734Z
Last updated2021-12-03T16:05:35.785Z
Released at
18KUKL - KUKL à Paris 14.9.841984-10
72KUKL - The Eye1984
39The Sugarcubes - Life's Too Good1988-04
77a-ha - Headlines and Deadlines: The Hits of A-ha1991-11-04
22The Wannadies - Aquanautic1992
51Värttinä - Seleniko1992
30Stakka Bo - Supermarket1993
94HC - Don't Wear It Out1993
15Echobelly - On1995-09-21
63Maria Kalaniemi & Aldargaz - The Rough Guide to the Music of Scandinavia1995
42The Wannadies - Bagsy Me1996-11-30
19Jay-Jay Johanson - Whiskey1996
44Halcyon Days - .Elevate1996
91Freon - Lecktroshock EP1997-10-13
37Various Artists - Swedes Do It Better - A Labrador Records Compilation1997
74Various Artists - Musica Psychedelica Scandinavica1997
69Jay-Jay Johanson - Tattoo1998-05-25
92Freon - C.F.C E.P.1998-11-00
43Garmarna - Vengeance1999-04-06
4Mew - Half the World Is Watching Me2000-05-04
20Jay-Jay Johanson - Poison2000-05-08
48Värttinä - Ilmatar2000-05-24
76The Hives - Stand and Deliver2001
38The 69 Eyes - Paris Kills2002-04-16
64Bobo Stenson - Selected Recordings Rarum VIII2002-05-20
32Röyksopp - Eple (EP)2003-02-24
57The Radio Dept. - Lesser Matters2003-02-24
46Mew - Frengers2003-04-07
1The Radio Dept. - Where Damage Isn't Already Done2003-04-16
40Slagsmålsklubben - Den svenske disco2003-06-10
26Klovner i Kamp - Kunsten å fortelle2003-10
8The Perishers - Let There Be Morning2003
60-=RiF=- - Collected Works2004-02-00
3Billie the Vision & the Dancers - I Was So Unpopular in School and Now They're Giving Me This Beautiful Bicycle2004-02-05
28Nephew - USADSB2004-06-30
33The Hives - Walk Idiot Walk2004-07-05
96Annie - Hits for Kids 13 (Sweden)2004-09-00
14múm - Dusk Log2004-09-13
9Major Parkinson - Major Parkinson2004
11PMMP - Kovemmat Kädet2005-03-09
52Bobby Baby - Some Place New - EP2005-07-00
13Röyksopp - The Understanding (Deluxe version)2005-07-04
23Billie the Vision & the Dancers - The World According To Pablo2005-11-11
21Pelle Carlberg - Go to hell, miss Rydell2005
78Montag Mania - Piraya2006-01-00
41Binärpilot - You Can't Stop Da Funk2006-02-07
5Bo Kaspers Orkester - Hund2006-09-20
29Matti Paalanen - Hollow2006-12-16
50Krauka - Bylur2006
68Yellowish - So Bright2006
71Patrick El-Hag - Vågor Som Viner - Single2006
73Silencio - Where You Are And Where You Want To Be2007-03-00
49Mando Diao - Never Seen The Light Of Day2007-10-24
47Sigur Rós - Sigur 1 - Sigur 92007-11-05
89He is watching over us - In defence of disgusting animals2007-11-08
65leafes - In the Mountain's Belly2007
66Patrick El-Hag - Så Där2007
79Magnus Tengdahl - When I Romanticize2007
62Supergrass - 1999-12-16: Goteborg, Sweden2008-01-14
75Revolution Renaissance - New Era2008-05
27Paza - The Slaphappy Bee III EP2008-06-10
10Melpo Mene - Bring the Lions Out2008-07-01
12Kind of Girl - Lonely in a modern way2008-08-11
84Double Dan - Emotions In Motion2008-08-20
6Lykke Li - Breaking It Up2008-08-25
2I'm from Barcelona - Who Killed Harry Houdini?2008-09-24
24Slaraffenklang - Danish Dynamite Live at Sono Festival 20082008-12-18
95Kanin Krusete - Like A Thing2009-05-15
36Emilie Lund - Emilie Lund EP2009-09-12
7The Raveonettes - In and Out of Control2009-10-05
85Oskar Hallbert - 11235813213455892009-10-08
70Sanchez is driven by demons - robot replicas2009
31Thom Hell - All Good Things2010-03-08
58Kuupuu - Spring High Spiritual Spree Spray Ray2010-06-30
81Taiunta - Suoraan kohti2010-09-27
88Myll - Bland siffror och troll i en bil utan blinkers2010
53Tobias Borelius - Du känner mig för väl, farväl2011-01-14
55Symfonia - In Paradisum2011-03-23
86Ecovillage - EverythingIsChemical Virtual 7" No. 9 - Ecovillage2011-06-19
87The Search - The Silverslut 2000​-​20022011-06-28
34Royal Hunt - Show Me How to Live2011-11-29
25Valravn - Re-Coded2011
45Robert Post - RHETORIC2011
82Emerald Park - Reality Bites EP2012-01-27
16Sigur Rós - Paint It Black2012-05-28
61Rudhira - Ein2012-06-01
83Joxfield ProjeX - Insult on the Dance Floor2012-06-10
54DELAYKLINIKEN - Young2012-12-20
98Dau Unge - Juleviser2012-12-24
56Kurbeats - Folktronica2013-03-22
35Emerald Park - Things EP2013-04-07
90Ullbasunen - Action Force EP [CND007]2013-04-13
67Ecovillage - With Fragile Wings We Reach the Sun2013-05-06
80Sveinn Guðmundsson - Fyrir herra Spock, MacGyver og mig2013
93Joxfield ProjeX - Archives EP 2 - Fivekus2013
100Joxfield ProjeX - Archives EP 5 - Dark Pitch2013
97Joxfield ProjeX & Cotton Casino - Casino Royal2015-02-00
99Björk - Selmasongs: Soundtack To Dancer In The Dark2015-10-02
59Felix Wickman - Dry Hands2015
17múm - Yesterday Was Dramatic, Today is Ok2019-08-30