Albums scraped2021-12-01T21:41:36.137Z
Last updated2021-12-16T12:13:29.069Z
Released at
55Alan Watts - This Is IT1962
73The Electric Prunes - Rhino Hi-Five: The Electric Prunes1967
97Skrewdriver - Hail The New Dawn1984
52Skrewdriver - Blood & Honour1985-12
75Skrewdriver - White Rider1987
78Skullhead - White Warrior1987
91Skrewdriver - After The Fire1988
42Brutal Attack - Tales Of Glory1989
81Skrewdriver - Warlord1989
41Skrewdriver - Blood and Honour1990
92Honor - Biały Front1991-06-17
54Honor - Cena Idei1992-07
32Landser - Das Reich kommt wieder1992
68Skrewdriver - Freedom, What Freedom1992
69Skrewdriver - Freedom what Freedom1992
40Honor - Urodzony Białym1993-11
37Honor - Stal Zemsty1994
64Skrewdriver - Hail Victory1994
34The Handsome Family - Odessa1995-01-09
30Honor - Droga Bez Odwrotu1995-08
49Landser - Republik der Strolche1995
62Konkwista 88 - Krew Naszej Rasy1995
96RaHoWa - Cult Of The Holy War1995
26The Handsome Family - Milk and Scissors1996-05-14
16Absurd - Facta Loquuntur1996
89Konkwista 88 - White Honour White Pride 90-931996
100Bound for Glory - Behold the Iron Cross1996
63新居昭乃 - そらの庭1997-10-22
19Landser - Rock gegen Oben1997
65Section 5 - They think it's all over1997
98Mistreat - The Flame From the North1997
22The Handsome Family - Through the Trees1998-01-26
50Stahlgewitter - Germania1998
56Honor - Ogień ostatniej bitwy1998
85Retaliator - Order of chaos1999
93Bound for Glory - Hate Train Rolling1999
71The Handsome Family - In the Air2000-02
31新居昭乃 - 降るプラチナ2000-05-24
43Landser - Ran an den Feind2000
17The Handsome Family - Twilight2001-10-01
66Honor - W Dzień Triumfu...2001
77Race War - The White Race Will Prevail2001
94Вандал - Европа2001
44新居昭乃 - RGB2002-04-24
90The Handsome Family - Smothered and Covered2002-07
47Sleipnir - Wunderbare Jahre2002
58Stahlgewitter - Politischer Soldat2002
74Sleipnir - Ein Teil Von Mir2002
86Коловрат - Эра правой руки2002
95Nordfront - Argonnerwald2002
39Sigrblot - Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest)2003-12
87Sleipnir - Mein Westfalen2003
48Gigi & Die Braunen Stadtmusikanten - Braun is beautiful!2004
79Final War - We Speak The Truth2004
82Вандал - Судьба Моей Расы2004
88Sleipnir - Das Ende2005
99Nordfront - Jahre der Schande2005
38Stahlgewitter - Auftrag Deutsches Reich2006
46Die Lunikoff Verschwörung - Niemals auf Knien2006
83Division Germania - Nemesis2006
53Gigi & Die Braunen Stadtmusikanten - Braun ist Trumpf2007
80新居昭乃 - 金の波 千の波2008-01-23
59Horytnica - Horytnica2008
60Die Lunikoff Verschwörung - Heil Froh2008
61Die Lunikoff Verschwörung - Heil froh2008
76Kat Edmonson - Be The Change2008
21Steel Panther - Death To All But Metal2009-01-27
33Liturgy - Renihilation2009-08-25
27Insane Clown Posse - Bang! Pow! Boom!2009-09-01
70Division Germania - Manifest2009-10-15
25Steel Panther - Don't Stop Believin'2009-11-17
24Justin Bieber - My Worlds2010-03-22
11Deafheaven - Demo2010-06-01
35Black Veil Brides - We Stitch These Wounds2010-07-20
8Justin Bieber - My Worlds Acoustic2010-11-26
57Tormentia - Krew za krew2010
72Anna Blue - So Alone2010
84Gigi & Die Braunen Stadtmusikanten - Adolf Hitler lebt!2010
28Deafheaven - Libertine Dissolves2011-01-21
9Rebecca Black - Friday2011-02-10
6Deafheaven - Roads to Judah2011-04-26
29Black Veil Brides - Set the World on Fire2011-06-08
18Rusko Star - Blonde2011-08-31
13Steel Panther - Balls Out2011-10-26
36Jai-Jagdeesh - I Am Thine2011
67Kat Edmonson - Way Down Low2012-04-10
5A$AP Rocky - Goldie2012-04-27
2HAIM - Forever EP2012-07-02
4Black Veil Brides - In the End2012-10-31
1HAIM - Don't Save Me2012-11-13
12HAIM - My Song 52012-12-10
51Black Veil Brides - Wretched And Divine: The Story Of The Wild Ones2012-12-18
3HAIM - Falling2013-02-12
15The Handsome Family - Wilderness2013-05-14
14Deafheaven - Sunbather2013-05-28
7The Handsome Family - Far From Any Road (Main Title Theme from "True Detective")2014-01-21
20Bo Kaspers Orkester - Redo att gå sönder2015-10-23
10Alligatoah - Musik ist keine Lösung2015-12-18
23The Handsome Family - Unseen2016-09-16