Albums scraped2021-12-04T07:57:50.287Z
Last updated2021-12-13T19:41:07.320Z
Released at
25Morly Grey - The Only Truth1972-03-07
56Ohio Players - Pleasure1972
88Various Artists - We Are The Media We Love1975
99Sun - Wanna Make Love1976
45Faze-O - Good Thang1978-10
15Slave - Visions Of The Lite1982-00-00
69The Public - Shibuya Crossing1983
39The Breeders - Pod1990-05-28
31Devo - Are We Not Men1990-12-11
43Over the Rhine - Best Of The IRS Years1991
62Face Value - The Price of Maturity1991
85Over the Rhine - Till We Have Faces1991
97Switch - Best of Switch1991
18Over the Rhine - Patience1992
49Afghan Whigs - Congregation1992
52Guided by Voices - Propeller1992
55Devo - Oh No It's Devo / Freedom of Choice1993-05-10
51The Breeders - Sonic Ecstasy1993
92Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen1993
78Guided by Voices - Bee Thousand1994-06-21
16Over the Rhine - Eve1994-08-23
58The Cramps - Flamejob1994
11Guided by Voices - Alien Lanes1995-04-04
96Carman - R.I.O.T. (Righteous Invasion of Truth)1995-10-31
46Overkill - Wrecking Your Neck - Live1995
1Afghan Whigs - Black love1996-03-11
54Guided by Voices - Under the Bushes Under the Stars1996-03-26
5Over the Rhine - Good Dog Bad Dog: The Home Recordings1996
28Over the Rhine - Good Dog Bad Dog (Virgin Records re-release)1996
44Moviola - The Year You Were Born1996
41Over the Rhine - Besides1997
21Stanton Moore - All Kooked Out!1998-06
36Afghan Whigs - 19651998
81Various Artists - Datawaslost : One.Two.Three1998
23Over the Rhine - Amateur Shortwave Radio1999-06-15
7Jessica Bailiff - Hour of the Trace1999-10-22
98Coltrane Motion - Supa Lo-Fi!2000-05
50Over the Rhine - Films For Radio2001-03-12
37Guided by Voices - Isolation Drills2001-04-10
26Joseph Arthur - Redemption's Son2002-06-10
47Over the Rhine - The Cutting Room Floor2002
77The Spectacular Fantastic - Outer Space is Nothing but a Lie2002
80The Spectacular Fantastic - Outer Spce Is Nothing But A Lie2002
73Over the Rhine - Ohio2003-08-19
86Silo the Huskie - Sons of Columbus2003
64Mind Soup - The Rules of Nothing2004
35Over the Rhine - Drunkard's Prayer2005-03-29
8Jordan O'Jordan - Not Style Nor Season Nor Hard-handed Lesson (European edition)2005
87Winslow - GTB Entertainment- A Dedication, Part 22005
40Gil Mantera's Party Dream - Bloodsongs2006-02-07
95The Minor Leagues - The Pestilence Is Coming2006-06-20
71The Lovekill - These Moments Are Momentum2006-07-11
67Lorenzo - Love Shape Bruise2006
74Megan Palmer - Forget Me Not2006
82Stephen Walter - Monocline2007-01-12
27Over the Rhine - Discount Fireworks2007-02-06
42Nine Inch Nails - Fragility V2.0 Tour2007-06-11
60C4 - sprite EP2007-09-13
4Mind Soup - Love Songs For Gifted Children2007-10-10
100C4 - nuclear love powerhouse2007-10-25
19Annabel - Now That We're Alive2007-11-17
84Megan Palmer - Take You Away2007
57Why? - Alopecia2008-02-25
61Catch 22 - Soulreaper: Evilution/Devilution2008-04
76Morly Grey - The First Supper2008-05-08
94gotikplage - we are synonymous with sin2008-08-04
22Kat Edmonson - Be The Change2008
70Robert Walter - Cure All2008
24Kat Edmonson - Lucky2009-01-29
13Annabel - Each and Everyone2009-03-03
75Michael Elam - Melungeon2009-09-03
72Our Subatomic Earth - Origin2009-10-14
32Mind Soup - Besides2009-12-18
38Homewrecker - Portrait Of Nothing2009
6Over the Rhine - The Long Surrender2010-04-23
48Homewrecker - Internal Morgue2010-09-13
12Annabel - Here We Are Tomorrow2010-12-15
20Kat Edmonson - Way Down Low2012-04-10
3Homewrecker - Worms and Dirt2012-06-16
91The Regrettes - Don't Talk Back2012
90The Clever Square - Ask the Oracle2013-04-02
9Over the Rhine - Meet Me At The Edge Of The World2013-09-03
33Hammock - Columbus (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2013-12-30
66Flight Brigade - Flight Brigade EP2013
83The Speedbumps - GTB Entertainment- A Dedication, Part 22013
63Wasted Days - The Bonds Between Us2014-09-22
30Kat Edmonson - The Big Picture2014-09-30
10Homewrecker - Circle of Death2014-10-31
65The Speedbumps - Back to Burlington2015
68Thunderwear - Warehouse Demos2016-09-30
89Fine animal - Before the Glow2016-10-00
14Homewrecker - Extinction by Design2016-10-14
2Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound2017-01-27
17Homewrecker - Hell Is Here Now2018
29Over the Rhine - Discount Fireworks: A Collection2019-03-15
93Brandtson - Christmas In Ohio2019
34Homewrecker - Create Sin2020-03-04
53Closedown - Bask In The Dancing Light2020-06-12
59Wendell B - Good Times2020
79Wendell B - Back Ta Bid'ness2020