Albums scraped2021-12-03T04:22:09.630Z
Last updated2021-12-06T11:54:18.659Z
Released at
74Norma Jean - Birds And Microscopes And Bottles Of Elixirs And Raw Steak And A Bunch Of Songs1967
22Boredoms - Onanie Bomb Meets The Sex Pistols1988
96The Gerogerigegege - Tokyo Anal Dynamite1990
56The Gerogerigegege - Senzuri Power Up1991
90Painkiller - Buried Secrets1992-10
18Extreme Noise Terror - Phonophobia1992
50Napalm Death - Live Corruption1992
27Today Is The Day - Supernova1993-04
39S.O.B. - Leave Me Alone1993-06-01
15Boredoms - Wow21993-10-10
13Anal Cunt - Morbid Florist1993
89Painkiller - Talisman: Live in Nagoya1993
98The Gerogerigegege - Yellow Trash Bazooka1993
24Anal Cunt - Everyone Should Be Killed1994-05-24
14Today Is The Day - Willpower1994-09
26Anal Cunt - Top 40 Hits1995-03-07
77Coalesce - 0021995-08-08
63Unsane - Scattered, Smothered and Covered1995
66Unsane - Scattered, Smothered & Covered1995
68Melt-Banana - Scratch or Stitch1996-05-21
78Destroy 2 - We Are Voice & Rhythm Only1996
88Anal Cunt - I Like It When You Die1997-02-11
51Cattle Decapitation - Ten Torments of the Damned1997
40Ruins - Symphonica1998-06-16
52Coalesce - 002: A Safe Place1998
61Painkiller - Guts of a Virgin / Buried Secrets1998
21Combatwoundedveteran - I Know a Girl Who Develops Crime Scene Photos1999-06-30
23Shora - Shaping The Random2000
87Love Lost but Not Forgotten - Love Lost but Not Forgotten2000
55Burnt By The Sun - Burnt By the Sun2001-01-26
36The Crimson Curse - Greatest Hits2001-07-03
7The Locust - Flight of the Wounded Locust2001-10-02
92Will Haven - Carpe Diem2001-10-21
65Anal Cunt - Defenders of the Hate2001
86Knut - Challenger2002-03-19
67Various Artists - Dynamite With a Laserbeam - Queen as Heard Through the Meat Grinder of Three One G2002-04
44Today Is The Day - Sadness Will Prevail2002-09-03
91The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Put on Your Rosy Red Glasses2003-03-07
9Breather Resist - Only in the Morning2003-05-06
1The Locust - Plague Soundscapes2003-06-23
41The Locust - The Locust2004-03-23
33The Power & the Glory - Call Me Armageddon2004-06-01
59Converge - You Fail Me2004-09-15
32Noxagt - The Iron Point2004
70Tower of Rome - All Is Lost, All Is Lost, All Is Yet To Be Found2004
82Vancouver - The Moment2004
5The Locust - Safety Second, Body Last2005-03-22
100Merzbow - Dust of Dreams2005-03
6Some Girls - The DNA Will Have Its Say2005-04-26
71Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain2005-10-18
42The Chariot - Unsung EP2005-12-05
10Some Girls - The DNA Will Have It's Say2005
43Converge - When Forever Comes Crashing (Re-Issue)2005
4Some Girls - Heaven's Pregnant Teens2006-01-24
34Genghis Tron - Cape Of Hate2006-02-26
73Drop Dead, Gorgeous - In Vogue2006-05-02
11Various Artists - Cars Original Soundtrack (English Version)2006-06-06
46An Albatross - Blessphemy (of the Peace-Beast Feastgiver and the Bear-Warp Kumite)2006-06-27
83Blast Muzungu - Gaijin Gabba2006-11
93Blind Myself - Ancient Scream Therapy2006-12-04
29Noxagt - Noxagt2006
35Coughs - Secret Passage2006
49Los Bananas - Con il tempo che passa, ricoperta di polvere, la bellezza sfiorita rimane sempre immortale...2006
99Warhammer 48K - Uber Om2006
79Sturm und Drang - Rising Son2007-02-28
60Insect Warfare - Evolved Into Obliteration2007-03-15
12The Locust - New Erections2007-03-20
47Ari Koivunen - Fuel For The Fire2007-05-24
3Sturm und Drang - Learning To Rock2007-05-30
64Anna Abreu - Anna Abreu2007-08-16
16Today Is The Day - Axis of Eden2007-09-18
45Cristal Snow - The Prophecy2008-03-26
84Harry Pussy - You'll Never Play This Town Again2008-11-04
37Combatwoundedveteran - This Is Not an Erect, All-Red Neon Body2009-04-23
75Cable - The Failed Convict2009-08-18
17Magrudergrind - Scion A/V Presents: Magrudergrind - Crusher2009
95Wrench In The Works - Decrease / Increase2010-03-16
20The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza - Danza 3: The Series of Unfortunate Events2010-07-06
81The Bunny the Bear - If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say...2011-06-28
94Wormrot - Noise2011-09-20
97Sissy Spacek - Freaked With Jet2011-11-00
80The Locust - Molecular Genetics from the Gold Standard Labs2012-07-31
54The Chariot - One Wing2012-08-28
8Lightning Bolt - Oblivion Hunter2012-09-25
25Retox - YPLL2013-05-28
28Retox - Beneath California2015-02-10
57Jarhead Fertilizer - Always Faithful2015-08-24
2Full of Hell - Trumpeting Ecstasy2017-05-05
76meth. - The Children Are Watching2017-06-14
62Rolo Tomassi - Rituals2017-10-30
85Rolo Tomassi - Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It2018-03-02
30Converge - Beautiful Ruin2018-06-29
72Endon - BOY MEETS GIRL2018-09-05
58meth. - I Love You2018
19seeyouspacecowboy - Songs for the Firing Squad2019-03-08
38meth. - Mother of Red Light2019-08-23
69SeeYouSpaceCowboy... - The Correlation Between Entrance and Exit Wounds2019-09-27
31Melt-Banana - Charlie2019
53Today Is The Day - No Good To Anyone2020-02-28
48Silencer - Made In Silence2020-04-01