Albums scraped2021-12-11T17:15:39.543Z
Last updated2021-12-12T13:25:27.830Z
Released at
78Altern 8 - The Vertigo E.P.1991
59Clio - Once You're In...1993
63Network - Titanus1995
21Solid Doctor - Beats Means Highs1996-05-20
98CLING - iF1996
27Various Artists - Symbiosis Rare Tracks 11997
32Various Artists - Ibiza Lounge Republic - Volume One1998
14Repose - After the Equinox1999
6Leggo Beast - From Here To G2000-05
66El Cielo - Ascent2000
73Coldfinger - Lefthand2000
65Anti-Flag - Underground Network2001-04-24
22Leggo Beast - Sines and Cymbals2001-06
24Blue Tofu - Blue Tofu2001-07-31
68Slowdeck - Multiple Offenses2002-05-21
70Thin Men - Fuddy-duddy2002
965ta HERDEILDIN - 5ta herdeildin2002
87Shyft - Random Overload2003-08-15
3Ten Madison - From Lust to Dust2003-10-27
16M-Seven - activate2003-12-19
67Novo - Aire Lounge2003
86Novo - Toxic Groover2003
97Novo - Jardin volant2003
34Second Person - Chromatography2004-12-01
13Bassic - Daydreamer2005-01-01
48Bassic - Sleepwalker2005-01-01
25Northcape - Letter To Nowhere2005-09-09
8S. Zeilenga - Of Beauty & Mystery2005-09-30
62Humeka - Discuss2005-10-01
1Worm Is Green - Push Play2005
4Leggo Beast - Thunk2005
40Tnt Recordings - TNT2005
61Bassic - Nightowl Chronicles2006-02-23
33CLING - Sonic Spells2006-07-01
7D. Batistatos - Architect2006-12-01
41Coppe - 9 + 10 = 10th. anniversary !2006
46Under - Under E.P.2006
52Northcape - Detach2007-01-31
58Northcape - New Tracks2007-01-31
54Dementio13 - All Known Germs2007-01
49Worm Is Green - Push Play Remixes2007-02-00
45Humeka - Chip Wanderings2007-03-01
20Keinzweiter - Aliens Made My Voice Pitched Up2007-05-30
12Second Person - The Elements2007-08-09
76Humeka - Relieve2007-08-13
5Mind Soup - Love Songs For Gifted Children2007-10-10
42CLING - Live Versions (Official Release)2007-11-08
55Proof of Concept - View From Above2007-11-19
17Leggo Beast - Tales from the Crib2007
64Adrian Carter - Gangs2007
92Voide - Lazy2007
35Northcape - Some Bright Valley2008-05-26
23M-Seven - Stimulus2008
44Big Block 454 - Bratislava2008
60Carmen Rizzo - Ornament of an Imposter2008
95Emma Forman - Keeping the Undesirables out2008
74The Peach Tree - Fur Bunni32009-02-14
56Under - More Pleasant Grey2009-03-07
91The Peach Tree - We Are God And Computers Are Our Children2009-03-26
100HipGnosis - Scientific Illuminism (Is For Sissies)2009-04-17
37Robot Bomb Shelter - Robot Picnic2009-06-01
9D. Batistatos - Weeper In The Shore2009-06-12
50Shyft - The Magnificent Metalloid Man EP2009-08-18
30Cwtch - City To City2009-08-24
2Worm Is Green - Glow2009-09-29
75Dementio13 - Blank2009-10-13
31Worm Is Green - The Politician EP2009-11-09
26PIXSID - Atoms Apart2009
69The Peach Tree - The Peach Tree2010-01-14
88Elektrolandmusik - automat2010-03-12
90Northcape - Moitessier + 2 (Single)2010-03-28
47Northcape - Captured From Static2010-04-06
99Northcape - Red Panda Remixed2010-10-05
36ElectricOkra - The Melting & the Madness2010-10-09
53M-Seven - Imaginary Being2011-01
10AmBeam - Land of Memories2011-05-15
39ElectricOkra - ClaireRocket2011-06-07
83ElectricOkra - ElectricOkra2011-06-07
19AmBeam - Unlimited Mind2011-07-01
38Second Person - Come To Dust2011
11Bassic - Omniom2012-10-22
18M-Seven - Astral2012
28Coppe - Fi-Lamenté2013
94Blue Tofu - Our Room2013
43N.D. - 2003-20062014-07-02
71Erkan Yılmaz - Maestro 2015 (piano edition)2014-12-03
72Erkan Yılmaz - Maestro 2015 (violin edition)2014-12-03
82Erkan Yılmaz - Maestro 2015 (violin meets piano)2014-12-03
84Erkan Yılmaz - Maestro (violin meets piano)2014-12-03
85Erkan Yılmaz - Maestro (piano edition)2014-12-03
15Solid Doctor - How About Some Ether2015
29Dementio13 - 2002 - 2007 : Oddities2016-04-10
89Computer Says NO! - Freaks Need Love Too2016-10-17
77Dementio13 - Stippled Ep2016-11-05
51Fox Thomas - Fox Thomas2017-03-03
81Dementio13 - Monami2017-03-12
93Leche - Afama2019-02-17
80Repose - Repose2019
79Gethin - made in the kitchen2020
57Don Longton - Deeper2021-01-25