Albums scraped2021-11-30T20:27:47.263Z
Last updated2021-12-15T12:21:19.351Z
Released at
1Death in June - But, What Ends When The Symbols Shatter1985
14Death in June - Nada!1985
52Death in June - The World That Summer1986
35Death in June - Brown Book1987
9Death in June - The Wall Of Sacrifice1989
82Sol Invictus - Lex Talionis1989
90Boyd Rice and Friends - Music, Martinis And Misanthropy1990
2Death in June - But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?1992-06-25
26Current 93 - Thunder Perfect Mind1992
38Current 93 - Lucifer Over London1994-04-28
48Nature and Organisation - Beauty Reaps the Blood of Solitude1994
4Death in June - Rose Clouds of Holocaust1995-02-24
51Blood Axis - The Gospel of Inhumanity1995-08
37Sol Invictus - In the Rain1995
46Ulver - Kveldssanger1996-03
28Hagalaz' Runedance - The Winds That Sang of Midgard's Fate1998
88Blood Axis - Blót: Sacrifice in Sweden1998
18Empyrium - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays1999-05-01
7Tenhi - Kauan1999-11
25Empyrium - Where At Night The Wood Grouse1999
62:Of the Wand & the Moon: - Nighttime Nightrhymes2000-06-00
71Hagalaz' Runedance - Volven2000
74Current 93 - Sleep Has His House2000
96Nest - Fabled Lore2000
100The Angels of Light - How I Loved You2001-03-20
79Nest - Hidden Stream2001-09-01
64Death in June - All Pigs Must Die2001-11-23
44Faun - Zaubersprüche2001
17Empyrium - Weiland2002-04
89Daemonia Nymphe - Daemonia Nymphe2002-09
33Flёur - Прикосновение2002-11
34In Gowan Ring - Hazel Steps through a Weathered Home2002
75Forseti - Windzeit2002
32Nest - Woodsmoke2003-01-20
30:Of the Wand & the Moon: - Lucifer2003
31Of the Wand and the Moon - Lucifer2003
13Vàli - Forlatt2004-07-04
76Death in June & Boyd Rice - Alarm Agents2004-10-29
49Forseti - Erde2004
86Daniel Landa - Neofolk2004
99Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio & Spiritual Front - Satyriasis2005-06-04
24The Moon and the Nightspirit - Of Dreams Forgotten and Fables Untold2005
59In Gowan Ring - Hazel Steps Throug a Weathered Home2005
92Klever - In The Name Of Peace And Progress2005
40Narsilion - Arcadia2006-04
27Rome - Berlin2006-06-01
23Spiritual Front - Armageddon Gigolo2006-06-23
61Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Apocalips2006-09-04
19Rome - Nera2006-10-16
41Neun Welten - vergessene Pfade2006-10-20
45Dernière Volonté - Devant Le Miroir2006-10
39Darkwood - Notwendfeuer2006-12-14
87Spiritual Front - Armageddon Gigolo'2006
95Nebelung - Reigen2006
60Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat - An Interlude to the Outermost2007-02-27
47Daemonia Nymphe - Krataia Asterope2007-03
94Current 93 - The Inmost Light2007-03
29Rome - Confessions D'Un Voleur D'Ames2007-04
11Current 93 - All the Pretty Little Horses2007
98Nebelung - Vigil2008-01
6Agalloch - The White EP2008-02-29
57Death in June - The Rule Of Thirds2008-03-17
20Rome - Masse Mensch Material2008-04-02
66Dornenreich - In Luft geritzt2008-05-09
77Matt Elliott - Howling songs2008-10-27
43Giulia y Los Tellarini - Eusebio2008
63Sonne Hagal - :Jordansfrost:2008
65Sonne Hagal - Jordansfrost2008
93Wardruna - Gap Var Ginnunga2009-01-00
15Wardruna - Runaljod - gap var Ginnunga2009-01-19
22Wardruna - Runaljod – gap var Ginnunga2009-01-19
56Rome - To Die Among Strangers2009-05-15
97Árstíðir - Árstíðir2009-06-05
3Rome - Flowers From Exile2009-06-26
42Amenra - Afterlife2009-10-23
84TriORE - Three Hours2009-10
67Neun Welten - Destrunken2009-11-27
54Rome - Nos Chants Perdus2010-05-14
68Spiritual Front - Rotten Roma Casino2010
85Omnia - Musick and Poëtree2011-08-05
58:Of the Wand & the Moon: - The Lone Descent2011-09-16
5Wardruna - Runaljod – Yggdrasil2013-03-15
91Death in June - The Snow Bunker Tapes2013-03-21
69Daemonia Nymphe - Psychostasia2013-05
53Rome - A Passage to Rhodesia2014-07
83Spiritual Front - Songs For The Will2014
8Heilung - Ofnir2015-06-02
10Forndom - Dauðra Dura2016-01-29
80Rome - The Hyperion Machine2016-08-12
21Heilung - LIFA2017-11-01
50Danheim - Herja2018-04-01
55Current 93 - The Light Is Leaving Us All2018-10-13
36Wardruna - Skald2018-11-23
70Rome - Le Ceneri Di Heliodoro2019-01-00
72Empyrium - Retrospective2019-05-22
81Empyrium - A Retrospective...2019-05-22
16Heilung - Futha2019-06-28
73Agalloch - The White2019-11-29
78Of the Wand and the Moon - Emptiness Emptiness Emptiness2020-11-15