Albums scraped2021-12-06T14:58:54.061Z
Last updated2021-12-28T11:48:23.976Z
Released at
67Pataphysics - Fuck Captain Cook Ep1975
13NUN - Nun1984
25trust us - *Trust Us* - EP1994
11Aura - Aura1995-05-00
87Voodoo Lovecats - Desperate & Dateless1995
55Geoff Achison - Little Big Men1996
41Voodoo Lovecats - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things1997
42Narcotik - Blue / Twelve Miles1998
79Voodoo Lovecats - El Noche De El Siniestro Vudu1998
59Hungry Ghosts - HUNGRY GHOSTS (EP) 19971999
83Boney & Stoney - Bias B, Len-One & Lazy Grey Are...1999
14The Lucksmiths - 2001-07-25: Seattle, WA, USA2000
18Earth - Star Condemn'd2000
22Halo - Degree Zero Point Of Implosion2000
4499% Fat - Two Percent Brains2000
19Even - A Different High2001-05-14
88BlueStar - Stories2001-11-01
30Geoff Achison - Chasing My Tail2002-10-18
2099% Fat - Recipe for Disaster2002
7A Beautiful Machine - Another Time Ep2004-06-09
6Way Out West - Old Grooves for New Streets2005-05-23
1Alamein - Rhetorical Question EP2005
5Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - B-Sides And Rarities Volume II2005
62Max White - Who Warms The Sun?2005
66Austin Floyd - Month Of Sundays2005
78Dollsquad - Retro Dolls From Hipsville2005
91Josh Armistead - Forthcomng Album DEMO2005
17Planetshakers - Worship Him2006-05-29
63Macromantics - Moments In Movements2006-09-16
37Curse Ov Dialect - Wooden Tongues2006-09-19
53The New Black - Your Heart My Sleeve2006
68Chris Fatouros - Your Song2006
77OutKry - In This World2006
99Chris Fatouros - Times2006
21Lakes - Lakes2007-02-19
73Koshowko - Remix This2007-02-20
16Miso - Miso2007-10-08
98disinterested - Live at Black Goat2007-10-08
58Geoff Achison - Acho Solo2007
65Airbourne - Runnin Wild Single2007
54The Peach Tree - The Ghost Of Muses Past2008-05-19
93The Peach Tree - Revel2008-10-03
43The New Black - A Young Man's Death2008
71Brothers Grim & The Blue Murders - For Those Who Have Not (EP)2008
96Silveria - Pelican2008
50The Peach Tree - Fur Bunni32009-02-14
3Bankai - Quarter Circle Punch2009-04-04
36The Peach Tree - Lift The Black Veil2009-05-08
29The Peach Tree - For Marie2009-09-23
40Fire Witch - Japan2009
57OddFoot - Sequins/Cicatrix2009
48The Peach Tree - The Peach Tree2010-01-14
72Hard Candy - Hard Candy Mix Tapes2010-10-12
9Circles - Prelude2010
31Pageants - Forbidden Delicious2010
61Bombing Angels - Untitled Album2010
4Cut Copy - Zonoscope2011-02-07
39A Million Dead Birds Laughing - Umbilical Dystrophy / Air Missile Defense Battle Lab2011-03-10
85The Peach Tree - Children of Cain, Night-Loving Creatures, Prepare Thyselves for 20122011-04-03
38Internal Rot - S/T 7"2011-05-00
10Winterpark - One Night Alone2011-07-19
45Cochlear Kill - Cochlear Kill2011-09-24
47Parading - Parading2011
90Doctor Scott & DJ Fokus - Highest Recommendation2011
2Dirty Three - Toward The Low Sun2012-02-24
46Be'lakor - Of Breath and Bone2012-06-01
34My Left Boot - Summer Songs2012
100Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Curb Your Enthusiasm Theme - Single2013-03-08
8Moon Wheel - Moon Wheel2013-03-11
76Steve Freedom - Wide Spread Freedom2013-03-15
15Owl Eyes - Nightswim2013-04-19
49The Resignators - Down In Flames2013-08-30
23Owl Eyes - Nightmixes2013
51The Womb - Escapism2013
75Bitter Sweet Kicks - If You Want Blood We've Got Pint2014-04-25
81Charlotte Nicdao - Charlotte Nicdao and the Sloth Orchestra2014
82Harry Coulson's Rain Dogs - Harry Coulson's Rain Dogs2014
94Slim Dime & The Prairie Kings - Hillbilly Salad2014
33Wil Wagner - I Hope I Don't Come Across Intense2015-07-00
12Orpheus Omega - Partum Vita Mortem2015-07-24
26The Meanies - It's Not Me, It's You2015-09-00
69Peter Joseph Head - Audio blog 082015
32Deep Heat - Still Life2016-04-08
64Colour High - Colour High2016-11-05
28Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Saturn Return2016
86Overtime - 3000/A42016
60Teether - Discontent2017-04-28
74Tenderloins - Drive Her Home / Lucy - Single2018-06-23
56MNMM - Minimum2018-11-14
70MNMM - This Song Is A Lie2018-11-14
84MNMM - Alone And Shaking2018-11-14
80Luke Seymoup - D'Arvit2019-05-27
89Luke Seymoup - Arctic Shitballs2019-05-27
95Luke Seymoup - Fuckstick Blues2019-05-27
97Luke Seymoup - El Santo2019-05-27
24House Deposit - Reward For Effort2019-10-25
35Tony Dork - Struggle Street2020-06-01
27Gethin - part time monkey2020
52Gethin - made in the kitchen2020
92Wolfy - Painting The Sky2020