Albums scraped2021-12-17T02:39:17.066Z
Last updated2021-12-17T02:47:30.229Z
Released at
19John Dowland - Lvte Lessons - Nigel North1966
16Philip Rosseter - Merry Melancholy: English Lute Music of the 16th Century1970
22Edward Martin - Luis Milan - El Maestro1973
61Edward Martin - Art of the Lute in Renaissance France1973
62Edward Martin - Art of the Lute in Renaissance1973
95Toyohiko Satoh - J.S. Bach: Chaconne - Baroque Lute Recital1973
78Toyohiko Satoh - Visée: Lute, Guitar, & Theorbo1974
94Deller Consort - Dowland: Ayres & Lute Lessons1974
23Hopkinson Smith - J.S. Bach: Partita BWV 1004, Sonata BWV 10131977
30John Dowland - DOWLAND: Lute Music, Vol. 11977
33John Dowland - DOWLAND: Lute Music, Vol. 21977
39John Dowland - DOWLAND: Flow My Tears and Other Lute Songs1977
97Hopkinson Smith - John Dowland : A dream1977
41Paul O'Dette - Neusidler: Lute Music1982
90William Lawes - LAWES: Consort Music for Viols, Lutes and Theorbos1983-06-00
65Paul O'Dette - Bacheler: The Bacheler's Delight1983
70Paul O'Dette - dall'Aquila: Pieces for Lute1983
40Jakob Lindberg - WEISS: Lute Sonatas and Short Pieces1984
27Andrew Dalton - Henry Purcell, Purcell Song1985
52Nigel North - Bach: Lute Music1985
1Paul O'Dette - Robin Is To The Greenwood Gone - Elizabethan Lute Music1987
20Rogers Covey-Crump - DOWLAND: The First Booke of Songs or Ayres1987
50Clive Titmuss - The Vihuela Collection1987
54Charles Mouton - La Musique au temps de Martin Marais1987
56Charles Mouton - Pièces de luth sur différents modes1987
96Paul O'Dette - Robin Is to the Greenwood Gone1987
4Diverse Artister - My Lute Awakes1988-01-01
14John Dowland - Lachrimæ or Seven Teares1988
13Emma Kirkby/Anthony Rooley - Dowland/Jones: The English Orpheus1989
5Ronn McFarlane - The Scottish Lute1990-01-01
24Paul Beier - Galilei: Sonate da Il Primo Libro d'Intavolatura di Liuto1990
29Paul Beier - Simone Molinaro, Intavolatura di liuto, Libro Primo (1599)1990
36Paul Beier - Michelagnolo Galilei, Sonate from Il primo libro d'Intavolatura di liuto (1620)1990
48Paul Beier - Alessandro Piccinini, Intavolatura di Liuto, Libro Primo (1623)1990
35Ronn McFarlane - Lute Music of John Dowland1991
89Timothy Burris - Bach Meets Weiss1991
7Shirley Rumsey - Music of the Spanish Renaissance1994-03
57John Dowland - Complete Lute Works, Volume 11995-06-20
68Joseph Iadone - The Art of the Lute1995
76Toyohiko Satoh - Style Brisé - Gaultier & The French Lute School1995
38Massimo Lonardi - Francesco Da Milano & Pietro Paolo Borrono : Intavolature Di Liuto1996
47Ronn McFarlane - Between Two Hearts1996
81John Dowland - Complete Lute Works, Vol. 5, Paul O'Dette,1996
92Mauricio Buraglia - Sylvius Leopold Weiss Suites en si Bemol et la Majeur1996
93Paul Beier - Laurencinus Romanus : Il Cavaliere del Liuto1996
99Francesca Torelli - Musiche a voce sola e intavolture di liuto e tiorba1996
85Hopkinson Smith - Sylvius Leopold Weiss - Partitas pour Luth1998-07-01
9Hopkinson Smith - A portrait1998
31Paul O'Dette & Andrew Lawrence-King - Jácaras! - 18th Century Spanish Baroque Guitar Music of Santiago de Murcia1998
98Thomas Campion - CAMPION: Lute Songs1999-03-01
73Paul O'Dette - Alla Venetiana - Early 16th Century Venetian Lute Music1999-11-30
28John Dowland - Lute Recital: Sayce, Lynda - Dall'Aquila, M. / Dalza, J.A. / Milano, P.P. Da / Casteliono, G. (Travels With My Lute - Italy, Germany, France, England)1999
37Ronn McFarlane - Highland King - The Scottish Lute, Volume 21999
63Bernhard Joachim Hagen - German Lute Music of the 18th Century1999
6Paul O'Dette - Robin Hood - Elizabethan Ballad Settings2001-07-09
32Drew Minter & Paul O'Dette - Thomas Campion: Elizabethan Songs2001
46Raymond Cousté - Elizabethan Music at the Saint Chapelle - Raymond Cousté Plays John Dowland2001
49Toyohiko Satoh - J.S. Bach: Three Solo Suites2001
83Paul O'Dette - Simone Molinaro: Fantasie, Canzoni e Balli2001
11Jacob Heringman - Holburns Passion2002
34Jacob Heringman - Siena Lute Book2002
69Paul O'Dette - The Royal Lewters - Music of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I's favourite lutenists2002
72Jacob Heringman - Josquin des Prez: 16th-Century Lute Settings2002
74Xavier Cauhépé - Le XVIIème Siècle Francais - Luths Baroque & Renaissance2002
87Jacob Heringman - The Art Of The Lute Player2002
100Jacob Heringman - Jane Pickeringe's Lute Book2002
55Paul Berget - The Siena Manuscript on renaissance lute2003-06-19
43Montserrat Figueras, Rolf Lislevand - José Marín, 1628-1699: Tonos Humanos2003
53Jacob Heringman - Black Cow2004-01-24
59Matthew Wadsworth / Carolyn Sampson - Robert Johnson: Away Delights - Lute Solos And Songs From Shakespeare's England2004
25Paul Berget - SL Weiss on 11 Strings2005-02-11
2Paul Beier - Michelagnolo Galilei2005
3Paul Beier - Simone Molinaro2005
75Paul Beier - Alessandro Piccinini2005
86Stephen Stubbs - Bach: Lute Works2006-01-24
26Daniel Bacheler - Virtuoso Lute Music From Italy and England2006
42Nigel North - Nicolas Vallet: "Le secret des muses"2006
45Francesco Spinacino - Chansons au luth2006
64Paolo Cherici - Pietro Paulo Borrono & Francesco da Milano: Rose e viole (Francesco Canova da Milano)2006
67Andrew Maginley - The Baroque Lute: J.S. Bach, S.L. Weiss, A. Falckenhagen2006
91Rosemary Hodgson - Forlorn Hope Fancy: Renaissance Dances and Fantasies for Lute2006
71Ronn McFarlane - The Renaissance Lute2007-08-22
15Ronn McFarlane - Indigo Road - Original Lute Music2007
44Hopkinson Smith - Il Divino2007
79Il Giardino Armonico - Vivaldi : Concertos for Lute & Mandolin2007
18John Dowland - Dowland: Complete Solo Lute Music2008-07-14
60John Dowland - The Tears of the Muses: Elizabethan Lute Music2008-07-14
77Erasmo Petringa - Sabir2008
88Matthew Wadsworth - Masters of the Lute - Dowland, Kapsberger, Piccinini, de Visée & von Biber2008
51Ed Martin - Luis Milan - El Maestro2010
10Various Artists - German Lute Songs2012
21Francesco Canova da Milano - Early Italian Lute Music2013
66Francesco Canova da Milano - MILANO: Fantasias, Ricercars and Duets2014
8Rolf Lislevand Ensemble - Diminuito2015-09-25
17Asteria - Soyes Loyal2016-11-18
80John Marchant - English Lute Duets2017
84Yasunori Imamura - Silvius Leopold Weiss: Lute Sonatas Vol. 12018-09-14
58Joachim Held - Lute Music of the Renaissance - The Schele Manuscript, Hamburg, 16192019
82Joachim Held - Erfreuliche Lautenlust2019
12Ennemond Gaultier - Lute and Theorbo Music: Held, Joachim - Gallot, J. / Visee, R. De / Mouton, C. / Couperin, F. / Gaultier, E. (Musique Pour Le Roi)2021-09-17