Albums scraped2021-12-12T00:56:27.059Z
Last updated2022-02-12T05:55:29.777Z
Released at
78Antonio Vivaldi - Vivaldi: Mandolin and Lute Concerti1958
71Julian Bream - Bream Collection Vol. 20 - J.S. Bach Lute Suites, Trio Sonatas1961-10-00
87Julian Bream - Heavenly Love, Earthly Joy - Elizabethan Lute Songs by John Dowland and Others1962
90Hamza El Din - African Tranquility1964
14Toyohiko Satoh - J.S. Bach: Chaconne - Baroque Lute Recital1973
22Edward Martin - Art of the Lute in Renaissance1973
38Edward Martin - Luis Milan - El Maestro1973
45Edward Martin - Art of the Lute in Renaissance France1973
2John Dowland - DOWLAND: Flow My Tears and Other Lute Songs1977
4John Dowland - DOWLAND: Lute Music, Vol. 11977
5John Dowland - DOWLAND: Lute Music, Vol. 21977
27Hopkinson Smith - John Dowland : A dream1977
12Julian Bream - J. S. Bach: Lute works1979-01-01
35Toyohiko Satoh - Scarlatti & Zamboni: 18th Century Italian Lute Music - Toyohiko Satoh 21981
30Jakob Lindberg - BACH, J.S.: Lute Music1982
70Paul O'Dette - Neusidler: Lute Music1982
51Paul O'Dette - Bacheler: The Bacheler's Delight1983
60Anthony Bailes - Lute Music of the Netherlands1983
96Jakob Lindberg - VIVALDI: Complete Works for the Italian Lute1983
24Jakob Lindberg - WEISS: Lute Sonatas and Short Pieces1984
58Jakob Lindberg - DOWLAND: Selected Lute Music1984
76Paul O'Dette - English Lute Duets1984
77Jakob Lindberg - Lute Music from Scotland and France1987-01
84Charles Mouton - La Musique au temps de Martin Marais1987
93Jakob Lindberg - LINDBERG, Jakob: Baroque Music for Lute and Guitar1987
43Ronn McFarlane - The Scottish Lute1990-01-01
13Paul Beier - Galilei: Sonate da Il Primo Libro d'Intavolatura di Liuto1990
79Paul Beier - Alessandro Piccinini, Intavolatura di Liuto, Libro Primo (1623)1990
63Ronn McFarlane - Lute Music of John Dowland1991
74Ensemble PAN - The Island of St. Hylarion1991
34Paul O'Dette - Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Lute Book1992
95Eduardo Fernandez - Bach, J.S.: Lute Suites1993
6Shirley Rumsey - Music of the Spanish Renaissance1994-03
56Paul O'Dette - Lute Music, Volume 2: Early Italian Renaissance Lute Music1994
42John Dowland - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 11995-06-20
66Toyohiko Satoh - Style Brisé - Gaultier & The French Lute School1995
20Joan Ambrosio Dalza - Early Venetian Lute Music1996
37John Dowland - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 31996
57Sting - Songs From The Labyrinth - Tour Edition (US Version)1996
81John Dowland - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 21996
91John Dowland - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 41996
15Various Artists - Early Italian Lute Music1997
28Paul O'Dette - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 31997
48Various Artists - DALL'AQUILA / da CREMA: Ricercars / Intabulations / Dances1997
55Paul O'Dette - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 11997
65Paul O'Dette - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 21997
83Paul O'Dette - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 51997
92Paul O'Dette - Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 41997
17Antonio Vivaldi - Vivaldi: Musica per liuto e mandolino (Vivaldi Edition)1998
68Hopkinson Smith - A portrait1998
44Thomas Campion - CAMPION: Lute Songs1999-03-01
53Paul O'Dette - Alla Venetiana - Early 16th Century Venetian Lute Music1999-11-30
32Bernhard Joachim Hagen - Hagen: The Augsburg Manuscript Music for Lute1999
41Lutz Kirchhof - Lute Music For Witches And Alchemists2000-03-21
50Paul O'Dette - Robin Hood - Elizabethan Ballad Settings2001-07-09
25Paul O'Dette - Bach: Lute Works, Volume I2001
80Toyohiko Satoh - J.S. Bach: Three Solo Suites2001
23Jacob Heringman - The Art Of The Lute Player2002
46Jacob Heringman - Jane Pickeringe's Lute Book2002
49Jacob Heringman - The Siena Lute Book2002
62Jacob Heringman - Siena Lute Book2002
94Jacob Heringman - Holburns Passion2002
54John Johnson - JOHNSON: Lute Music2003-03-00
88Paul Berget - The Siena Manuscript on renaissance lute2003-06-19
31John Fleagle - Worlds Bliss - Medieval Songs of Love and Death2004-05-05
69Luthomania - Itinérances2004-10-25
59Los Angeles Guitar Quartet - Guitar Heroes2004
97Andrew Lawrence-King - Lute Songs2004
18Paul Beier - Alessandro Piccinini2005
29Paul Beier - Michelagnolo Galilei2005
33Paul Beier - Simone Molinaro2005
21Stephen Stubbs - Bach: Lute Works2006-01-24
61Jacob Heringman - Blame Not My Lute2006-05-29
1Sting - Songs From The Labyrinth2006
8Nigel North - Nicolas Vallet: "Le secret des muses"2006
73John Dowland - Dowland, J.: Lute Music, Vol. 1 - Fancyes, Dreams and Spirits2006
16Jozef van Wissem - Stations of the Cross2007
26Sharon Isbin - Bach:Complete Lute Suites2007
40Christopher Wilson - Fantasia de Mon Triste - Renaissance Lute Virtuosi of Rome and Venice2007
67Il Giardino Armonico - Vivaldi : Concertos for Lute & Mandolin2007
72Hopkinson Smith - Il Divino2007
75Sharon Isbin - Bach - Complete Lute Suites2007
86John Dowland - Dowland, J.: Lute Music, Vol. 3 - Pavans, Galliards and Almains2007
11Monika Mauch - Musical Banquet2008-05-20
36John Dowland - Dowland: Complete Solo Lute Music2008-07-14
98John Dowland - Dowland: Selected Lute Music2008-07-14
7Speed Caravan - Kalashnik Love2008
19John Dowland - My favorite Dowland2009
99John Dowland - The Art of the Lute2009
89Various Artists - German Lute Songs2012
3Jozef van Wissem - Nihil Obstat2013-04-23
47Jakob Lindberg - Jacobean Lute Music2013-11-00
52Jakob Lindberg - DOWLAND: Complete Solo Lute Music2013-11-00
82Jozef van Wissem - Only Lovers Left Alive2013-12-11
64Giovanni Zamboni - Zamboni: Sonatas for Lute2014-05-00
10Francesco Canova da Milano - MILANO: Fantasias, Ricercars and Duets2014
39Venere Lute Quartet - Palestrina's Lute2017
100Venere Lute Quartet - Sweet Divisions2017
9Jozef van Wissem - We Adore You, You Have No Name2018-11-09
85Joachim Held - German Lute Music of the Baroque2019