Albums scraped2021-12-01T22:32:47.602Z
Last updated2021-12-02T03:54:30.382Z
Released at
23Bob Dylan - Self Portrait1970-06-08
4Bob Dylan - New Morning1970-10-21
7Serge Gainsbourg - Rock Around The Bunker1975
12Bob Dylan - Slow Train Coming1979-08-20
94Eitan Masuri - Jerusalem Sings Compilation, Volume 21980
13Bob Dylan - Shot of Love1981-08-10
80Richard Kaplan - Life of the Worlds: Journeys in Jewish Sacred Music1982
90The Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra - The Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra1983
69Josie Cotton - From The Hip1984
24Ofra Haza - Yemenite Songs1988
83Giora Feidman - The Singing Clarinet1989-05-02
73The Klezmorim - Early Recordings 1976-781989
44Chava Alberstein - Yiddish Songs1991
51Fortuna - Novo Mundo1991
85Suzy - Estos Y Munchos1991
88Sarband - Jewish Music in the Seraglio1992
60Giora Feidman - Yiddish Soul1993
15The Klezmatics - Jews With Horns1994
63Moshe Leiser - Tendresse et Rage1994
19Ensemble Accentus - Sephardic Romances1996
58The Burning Bush - The Best Of Yiddish, Klezmer & Sephardic Music1996
54Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy1997-10-13
55Various Artists - Klezmer Vol 11997-11-00
34Alicia Svigals - Fidl - Klezmer Violin1997
48Various Artists - Celebrate Shabbat1997
77Sarband - Sephardic Songs1997
79Various Artists - Celebrate Peace1997
26King Django - Roots and Culture1998
67Various Artists - Ladino Songs1999-02-19
92Various Artists - Festival Of Light1999-02-19
17Charming Hostess - Eat1999-03-10
16Wally Brill - The Covenant1999-08-03
71The Klezmorim - Variety Stomp1999
89Sergei Trofanov - Gypsy Passion1999
21Astral Projection - UNmixed2000-05
40Pharaoh's Daughter - Out of the Reeds2000
47Ot Azoj - Klezmer For Kishinev2000
53Pharaoh's Daughter - Great Jewish Music: Jacob Do Bandolim2000
82Zev Feldman & Andy Statman - Klezmer Music2000
95Finjan - Dancing on Water2000
96Jenny Scheinman - The Rabbi's Lover2001-06-25
20Amsterdam Klezmer Band - Limonchiki2001
18Justyna Steczkowska - Alkimja2002
52The Klezmatics - Rise Up! Shteyt Oyf!2002
70Abe Schwartz - The Klezmer King2002
75Jewlia Eisenberg - Trilectic2002
87Divahn - Divahn2002
100Rabbinical School Dropouts - Counterfeit Gelt2002
91Koby Israelite - Dance of the Idiots2003-04
68Oi Va Voi - Laughter Through Tears2003-09-29
46Phil Thornton - Tibetan Meditation2003
59The Klezmatics - Shvaygn = Toyt2003
99Blue Fringe - My Awakening2003
14Charming Hostess - Sarajevo Blues2004-11-23
37Matisyahu - Shake Off the Dust2004
41Matisyahu - Shake Off the Dust... ARISE2004
93ofri eliaz - Ya Salio de la Mar- Ladino Songs2004
97Mazzeltov & Rolinha Kross - Mishpoge2004
27Matisyahu - Live at Stubb's2005-04-19
3Drake - The Drake LP2005-06-09
22Charming Hostess - Punch2005
42Klezmer Juice - The Klezmer Tribute To Matisyahu Featuring Klezmer Juice2005
45Ofra Haza - Kirya2005
50Klezmorim - Klezmeshugge2005
62Astral Projection - Distance To Goa 22005
98Socalled - The So Called Seder - A Hip-Hop Haggadah2005
9Amsterdam Klezmer Band - Remixed2006-03-31
81Black Ox Orkestar - Nisht Azoy2006-04-03
10Sarah Silverman - Jesus Is Magic2006-06-06
25The Klezmatics - Wonder Wheel (Lyrics By Woody Guthrie)2006-07-25
5Matisyahu - Youth2006
35Shura Lipovsky - Tsart: Tenderness in Word and Sound2006
65T syndrome - Pink Noise2006
84Blue Fringe - The Whole World Lit Up2006
86Vilde Katshke - Flign Mit a Nign2006
30Kroke - Seventh Trip2007-03-10
57Socalled - Ghetto blaster2007-06-12
78אפרת גוש - הסליחה ואני2007-08-15
32La Mar Enfortuna - Convivencia2007-10-23
31Kat Edmonson - Be The Change2008
33Erran Baron Cohen - Erran Baron Cohen Presents: Songs In The Key Of Hanukkah2008
49Matt Temkin's Yiddishe Jam Band - Poykler's Shloft Lied2008
56The Idan Raichel Project - Within My Walls2008
66Dan Wallace - Neon and Gold2008
43Kat Edmonson - Lucky2009-01-29
72Rashanim - Great Jewish Music: Jacob Do Bandolim2009-07-00
1Matisyahu - Light2009-08-25
39Maccabeats - Voices from the Heights2010
2Rebecca Black - Friday2011-02-10
38Amsterdam Klezmer Band - Hits2011-03-04
36Seeds Of Iblis - Jihad against Islam2011-09-13
6Matisyahu - Miracle2011-11-21
29Kat Edmonson - Way Down Low2012-04-10
11Matisyahu - Spark Seeker2012-07-17
8Various Artists - A Jewish Odyssey2012
28Erutan - A Bard's Side Quest2013-01-18
76Mor Karbasi - Laughing Eyes2013
61Kat Edmonson - The Big Picture2014-09-30
74A-Live - best of acapella2015-02-17
64Hadass Pal-Yarden - Yahudice2016-08-07