Albums scraped2021-12-04T15:41:53.840Z
Last updated2021-12-11T22:55:45.897Z
Released at
80Sheer Terror - Ugly and Proud1991
26Sheer Terror - Thanks Fer Nuthin'1992
5Today Is The Day - Willpower1994-09
10Sheer Terror - Love Songs for the Unloved1995-08-01
36Insane Clown Posse - Riddle Box1995-10-10
18Blue Eyed Devils - Murder Squad1996
44Blue Eyed Devils - Hate Crimes1996
59Aggravated Assault - Hate Crimes1996
20Blue Eyed Devils - Holocaust 20001998
39Chaos 88 - Welcome to Atlantic City1998
60Mudoven - Truth and Tragedy: Life in the Occupied Zone1998
72Empire Falls - Making Hardcore a Threat1998
67Insane Clown Posse - The Amazing Jeckel Brothers1999-05-25
32Blue Eyed Devils - Retribution1999
64Extreme Hatred - Have a Nice Day1999
94Angry Aryans - Racially Motivated Violence1999
23Angry Aryans - Too White for You2000
49Aggressive Force - Aggressive Force2000
3Ringworm - Birth Is Pain2001-10-23
24H8Machine - Cheated2001
52Blue Eyed Devils - We'll Never Die2001
87Confident Of Victory - F.N.A.B.2001
21Grinded Nig - Freezer Full Of Nigger Heads2002-04-20
73Коловрат - Эра правой руки2002
34Tarkan - Dudu2003-12
42Blue Eyed Devils - It End's2003
65Aryan Brotherhood - Fanatiker2003
74Grinded Nig - Nazi Headbanger2004-08-16
47Chaos 88 - Crimes of War2004
79Inborn Hate - Filled With Hatred2004
89Race Riot - Terror Against Tyranny2004
22Hate for breakfast - Hatecore Connection2005-12-19
27Brutal Begude - Radikal Musik2005
41Teardown - Against The Dying Light2005
92Сейтар - Смерть Ворогам2005
95Race Riot - Downfall Of Your Infected World2005
96Burn Down - Tag der Rache2005
48Zetazeroalfa - Nel dubbio mena2006-10-28
43Лють - The Day Of The Rope2006-12-16
30Die Lunikoff Verschwörung - Niemals auf Knien2006
40Fear Rains Down - No turning back2006
61Brutal Begude - ... Forever ours2006
70ХОРСС - Непобедимое войско2006
78Christian Weston Chandler - Christian & the Hedgehog Boys2006
81Total War - Straight Edge Hate2006
85Full of Hate - National Streetcore2006
93Hatelordz - Hellsgate N.Y.C2006
63Anger Within - Lost path2007-04
29Rusko Star - Attention W***e - EP2007-09-14
14Moshpit - Mirror Of An Unbroken Faith2007
31H8Machine - One Less Reason To Smile2007
69Project Vandal - Rock against S.H.A.R.P.2007
77Project Vandal - Our Cult2007
82Bad fate - Bite back2007
86Eternal Bleeding - Dead Eyes Kissed The Light2007
98Project Vandal - Proti Systému2007
28H8Machine - Hardcore For Life2008
56Painful awakening - The Reality Hurts2008
71Burning Hate - This is the end of our days2008
75Aryan Brotherhood - Die Schatten einer kranken Welt2008
83Burn Down - Zyklon Sturm der Vergeltung2008
88Empire Falls - Infamous2008
99Total War - This Is Defiance2008
35Hate for breakfast - Squadrismo HardCore2009-05
7Insane Clown Posse - Bang! Pow! Boom!2009-09-01
100Redsk - Project Folklore Mixtape2009-10-16
6210 - Первая Кровь2009
15YOU MUST MURDER - Hardcore The Satanism2009
17Outlaw Heroes Standing - Against The Wall2009
45Fear Rains Down - Bury Their Rules2009
54Киборг - Rabble2009
55Project Vandal - Bullseye!!!2009
58Voice Of Justice - Eruption of hate2009
682 minutes warning - When their statues fell2009
11Justin Bieber - My Worlds2010-03-22
33Deafheaven - Demo2010-06-01
2Justin Bieber - My Worlds Acoustic2010-11-26
12Tormentia - Krew za krew2010
13Anna Blue - So Alone2010
19Outlaw Heroes Standing - За Кровь и Нефть (For Blood And Oil)2010
46Death Penalty - новый мир2010
53Инсургент - Жребий брошен2010
57Burning Hate - Your time is running out2010
76Lonesummer - Satisfaction Feels Like a Tomb2010
97Киборг - Диктатура2010
91Deafheaven - Libertine Dissolves2011-01-21
51Трезвый Заряд - Без лица2011-03-22
16Deafheaven - Roads to Judah2011-04-26
4Rusko Star - Blonde2011-08-31
8YOU MUST MURDER - Злая Россия2011
66Инсургент - Свобода, Равенство и Братство2011
84X.X.X. - Virus2012-03-05
62Double Take - Hot Problems2012-04-18
1A$AP Rocky - Goldie2012-04-27
38Ringworm - Stigmatas in the Flesh2012-08-09
25Deafheaven - Sunbather2013-05-28
50Shoot on Sight - Правосудия Нет2013
37210 - Поколение2014-01-11
90Empire Falls - The Underdogs2014