Albums scraped2021-12-03T07:26:04.228Z
Last updated2022-02-10T11:48:30.541Z
Released at
95Insane Clown Posse - Riddle Box1995-10-10
8Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare1996-04
89I Shalt Become - Wanderings1996
9Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions2000-05
10Shining - Within Deep Dark Chambers2000
27Shining - Livets Ändhållplats2001-08-27
1Silencer - Death - Pierce Me2001-10-30
73Forgotten Tomb - Songs to Leave2002-08-04
41Shining - III: Angst, Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie2002-10-07
79Luror - The Iron Hand of Blackest Terror2003-04
86Tarkan - Dudu2003-12
65Shining - Through Years of Oppression2004-03
80Xasthur - Telepathic With the Deceased2004-06
7Shining - IV: The Eerie Cold2005-03-16
75Life Neglected - Bleeding Hope2005-05
29Woods of Infinity - Ljuset2005-10-10
54Thy Light - The Call Of The Dark Forest2005
83ColdWorld - Thestarsaredeadnow2005
13Anti - The Insignificance Of Life2006-01-18
58Nocturnal Depression - Nostalgia - Fragments Of A Broken Past2006-01-18
38Sterbend - Dwelling Lifeless2006-04-13
36Wedard - Ein Leben in der Ewigkeit2006-06-30
14Nocturnal Depression - Four Seasons To a Depression2006-07
35Life is Pain - Bloody Melancholy2006-08-20
59Hypothermia - Veins2006-09-21
99ColdWorld - Melancholie2006
2Lifelover - Erotik2007-02-24
40Happy Days - Alone And Cold2007-04
32Shining - V - Halmstad (Niklas Angеende Niklas)2007-06
98Krohm - The Haunting Presence2007-07-31
82Rusko Star - Attention W***e - EP2007-09-14
24Trist - Zrcadlení melancholie2007-11-05
52Happy Days - A World of Pain2007
37Woods of Infinity - Frozen Nostalgia2008-04-29
53Ancestral - Avowal2008-05
31I'm in a Coffin - One Final Action2008-10-01
57Happy Days - Defeated By Life2008-10-03
77Happy Days - Children Of Failure2008-10-03
4Lifelover - Konkurs2008-10-10
50Arvet - Ihmiskärsimys2008-12-16
26Happy Days - Melancholic Memories2008
43Irrwisch - Irrwisch2008
60Eindig - Doodschrift2008
74When Mine Eyes Blacken - When Mine Eyes Blacken2009-01-28
46Total Negation - Zeitenwende2009-04-06
91All The Cold - Children Of Failure2009-04-24
15Apati - Eufori2009-06-06
90Steingrab - Reise Ins Ungewisse2009-07-25
67Cry of Silence - Wandering Through Pagan Times2009-07
33Insane Clown Posse - Bang! Pow! Boom!2009-09-01
92Lifelover - Dekadens2009-09-28
71Skitliv - Skandinavisk Misantropi2009-10-19
47Be Persecuted - End Leaving2009-12-01
70... - Somebody Save Me2009
81Дмитрий Колдун - Дмитрий Колдун2009
48Justin Bieber - My Worlds2010-03-22
5Justin Bieber - My Worlds Acoustic2010-11-26
39Photophobia - Humana Fragilitas2010-11-30
30Hypothermia - Skogens Hjärta2010
56Anna Blue - So Alone2010
94Eindig - The First Step Towards Suicide2010
93Shroud of Distress - Be Happy2011-01-01
16Psychonaut 4 - 40%2011-06-04
44Shining - Förtvivlan, Min Arvedel2011-06
64A Cloud Forest - These Mournful Days2011-07-23
19Rusko Star - Blonde2011-08-31
34Azis - Sen Trope2011-12-13
49Woods of Infinity - Förlåt2011-12
66Happy Days - Cause of Death: Life2012-03-06
11Shining - The Eerie Cold2012-07-01
62Psychonaut 4 - Have a Nice Trip2012-08-11
22Shining - 8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd2013-09-23
63Ghost Bath - Ghost bath2013-10-21
87Xasthur - 2004 - Telepathic With The Deceased2013-10-31
18Ghost Bath - Funeral2014-02-04
20Ofdrykkja - A Life Worth Losing2014-04-02
72Andreas Rönnberg - Train Tracks2014
3Ghost Bath - Moonlover2015-04-10
78Forgotten Tomb - Hurt Yourself and the Ones You Love2015-04-17
68Shining - IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends2015-04-20
12Psychonaut 4 - Dipsomania2015-04-23
88Advent Sorrow - As All Light Leaves Her2015-08-13
85Drawn Into Descent - Drawn Into Descent2015-09-28
61Todtgelichter - Rooms2016-02-26
69Happy Days - Save Yourself2016-08-25
17Psychonaut 4 - Neurasthenia2016-10-07
6Kehlani - Do U Dirty2017-01-13
100Heretoir - The Circle2017-03-24
28Ghost Bath - Starmourner2017-04-21
76None - none2017-10-17
42Forgotten Tomb - We Owe You Nothing2017-10-27
25Chaos Moon - Eschaton Mémoire2017-11-17
51INTIG - Dystymi2017-12-31
84Shining - X - varg utan flock (Deluxe Edition)2018-01-05
21Shining - III : Angst2018-10-19
97Deadspace - Dirge2019-01-31
96Drowning the Light - Defenders of the Aryan Race2019-03-27
23Violet Cold - Empire Of Love2021-05-07
55Ghost Bath - Self Loather2021-10-29