Albums scraped2021-12-16T14:27:04.397Z
Last updated2021-12-16T14:35:27.692Z
Released at
16Alec Empire - Generation Star Wars1994
3Sonic Subjunkies - Sounds From The City Of Quartz1995
66Taciturne - Potpourri EP1995
36Somatic Responses - sinister movements1996-01-08
46Christoph De Babalon - If You're Into It, I'm Out Of It1997-01
92Various Artists - odaxelagnia/Akamushi/Reizoko Cj/goreshit split1997
51Radium - Private life ep1998
60DJ Tron - Resurrection EP1998
75Taciturne - Ebizeme1998
93Manu le Malin - The Book1998
99Qualkommando - United Speedcore Nation1999-00-00
29Lord Lloigor - Beyond the Green Light1999
70Manu le Malin - Ghost Train1999
15Goldie - INCredible Sound of Drum'n'Bass Mixed by Goldie2000-01-04
82Sarin Assault - Da Police Da Beast2000-07-00
34Lord Lloigor - One Journey2000-08-00
49Fifth Era - Beyond the Realms of Doom2000
50Radium - Vice Machine EP2000
62Fifth Era - Doom or Dishonour2000
89Armageddon Project - 1st EP2000
80Apex - LET'S BUCK SHIT UP!2001-03-12
54Sunjammer - Aigin No Kanashisa - Soul Systematics2001
90Manu le Malin - A Shadow2001
64Joshua - 13e viral clash EP2002
81Fifth Era - No Phuture2002
100Bioxeed - The Acid Test EP2002
37Knightvision & D'Spyre - Apocalypse VIP2003-01
22The Outside Agency - There Can Be Only None2003-09-01
33Joshua - Sombre Harmonie2003
53Delta 9 - Punk Loser2003
61Sunjammer - Hate Made Life Worth Living2003
79Le Bruit Qui Court - Solve the Box2003
4志方あきこ - VIRIDIAN2004-01-11
69Delta 9 - Night Stalker2004-06-01
6Project Omeaga - Prednison Attack VIP2004-09-03
27Moleculez - Robots2004-10-00
58Matt Green - Syndrome2004
67Ybrid - Dragonid2004
47Fifth Era - Support Your Lokal Doomkommando2005
65Moleculez - Demolition2005
73Ybrid - Excetra2005
91Hecate - Wholesale Massacre Of All Identifiable Replicas2005
17Shyft - Blootenast Disk2006-01-03
87Delta 9 - Dusted2006-02-28
41Hecate - Brew Hideous2006-04-30
95Ybrid - Scorpinaca / Datura2006-07-00
76Moleculez - Head Grind E.P.2006-12-21
9Ybrid - Khaos De Viscera2006
72Fiend - bust this2006
77Sarin Assault - Untitled2007-02-06
38Ybrid - Yborg2007-09-11
35Tymon - Feed2007-12-20
2Angerfist - Mutilate2008-03-28
63Fifth Era - Doomcore Tyrants Rise2008-05-23
13Shyft - Life Within The Mind2008-08-11
26Sarin Assault - Life In Japain2008-08-20
20Children Egoism - Eleven Axis2009-01-22
56theYage - A Darker Stanley2009-02-17
52Ybrid - Akcesora2009-02-24
88Bioxeed - Security Is A Superstition2009-03-00
21Shyft - The Kingdom of the Future EP2009-03-29
85Fifth Era - Y.C.A.F.O.2009-05-29
10Ybrid - Per Inania Regna2009-06-01
18goreshit - the incubus mark/pulse of awakening2009-07
11志方あきこ - Fluff2009-12-30
59Ybrid - Naevus2009-12-30
94odaxelagnia - Dark Corners vol. 22009
5Tymon - ParTYMONster2010-01-31
40Shyft - In Check2010-03-06
48Sarin Assault - Undead And Devil Revisited2010-03-17
86Sei2ure - Engines For Industrial Applications2010-04-01
43Drakh - HARD WORKX2010-05-10
57theYage - Love is the Weapon2010-08-17
19Shyft - New Collective Audition2010-11-01
23Art of Empathy - Posthuman Decadence2010-11-05
1Ophidian - Abandon2010-11-10
30Bloody Vomit Bukkake - The Hikikomori Geisha Circus2010
96Bioxeed - Engines For Industrial Applications2011-04-21
24Shaita - Halfasleep2011-05-23
71▲NGST - Beyond the Realms of Doom2011-06-04
45odaxelagnia - freakshow2011-06-21
55ShankFist Wreckage Technique - Preacher2011-09-05
83Dustrict - Toxik Hazard2012-04-22
25The Outside Agency - The Dogs Are Listening2012-11-10
7Foxxy Dekay - 97562012
31Petrochemical - Regeneration2013-01-29
12Mindustries - Minds in Motion2013-09-13
8Johan Jello - Fractured2013-10-15
14Johan Jello - Cyberlord EP2013-10-15
84odaxelagnia - The Task EP2013
78Fifth Era - Behemoths From The Zoo Of Abortions2014-01-01
28lingouf - Frequences Sensibles2014-09-09
74X-Core - Rovdyr2014-09-21
68AnTraxid - Statements Of Social Decay2015-04-30
97Fifth Era - Shadows Of 65000 Years2015-06-04
42Angerfist - Raise Your Fist2015-11-28
98AnTraxid - Der Zweifler2015-11-30
44Counterfeit - The Gift2017-07-11
32odaxelagnia - odaxelagnia/Akamushi/Reizoko Cj/goreshit Split2017-08-11
39Taciturne - 6 Fragmente In Der Chronologie Des Wahnsinns2018-04-00