Albums scraped2021-12-11T21:44:19.765Z
Last updated2022-02-12T02:03:05.461Z
Released at
99Arnold Brooks - The Flâneur1950
64Vladimir Ussachevsky - Tape Music, An Historic Concert (with Otto Luening)1968
23Iannis Xenakis - Ensemble Intercontemporain1974
47St Bernards School - 60 minutes1974
2Bernard Parmegiani - De Natura Sonorum1975
76Czesław Niemen - Katharsis1976
22The Hafler Trio - Dislocation1987
87Autopsia - In Vivo1988
10Christian Marclay - More Encores1989
14Autopsia - Death Is The Mother Of Beauty1990
31Luc Ferrari - Electronic works1990
8Autopsia - Palladium1991
43Karlheinz Stockhausen - 4 Helicopters & String Quartet1992
79THE END - You Made The Rain Disappear1993
16The Brentwoods - Funemployment1994
35Pierre Henry - Variations pour une porte et un soupir / Voile d'Orphe1994
60Autopsia - White Christmas1994
6Luc Ferrari - Presque Rien1995
32Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mikrophonie I and II, Telemusik1995
51Bernard Parmegiani - La Creation du Monde1996
1Various Artists - Essays On Radio: Can I Have 2 Minutes Of Your Time?1997
26Iannis Xenakis - Electronic Music1997
28Various Artists - Psicotropicodelia Music Vol. 3.1: Psicotropic (PTDM006, 2008)1997
29DJ Spooky - Riddim Warfare1998-09-21
12Pierre Schaeffer - L`oeuvre Musicale Integrale1998
92Various Artists - la bell indifference / Black & White Era 5way #11998
95Glaufx Garland - Thoughts for a Dead Deer1998
11Microstoria - model 3, step 22000-09-27
13Taiga - Hypno (Live @ Zokol feat Aliska Bereg) 20062000-10-05
37Taiga - Microgrammophone (Live @ Lig56) 20072000-10-05
7Pierre Henry - "Symphonie Pour Un Homme Seul" & "Le Voyage"2000
98Glaufx Garland - Ghosts of a Revolution2000
57Fear Factory - Concrete2002-07-28
15Bernard Parmegiani - Sonare2002
30Claudio Rocchetti - The Work Called Kitano2002
5The Books - The Lemon of Pink2003-10-07
33das all - Digital Monitor2003
85Naing Naing - Toothbrush fever2004-10-10
69Naing Naing - Toad Fever (Limited edition)2004-10-24
42Sunao Inami - DELAYED2004
73Taiga - Okolo 20042004
77Lluvia Acida - Insula in Albis [pn084]2004
44Claudio Rocchetti - I could go on singing2005-04
90Ralf Rabendorn - Zwischen Stadtmauern2005
20Sabi - Unsui EP2006-03-05
84Milliseconde Topographie - Paperasses éparses2006-08-12
55Ceckj - lone night thracks vol.22006-08-19
74Center for Audio-Visual Research - You Too Can Care2006
3Ten and Tracer - Baker's Blood2007-03-08
83Rainier Lericolais - Adagio Ma Non Tanto2007-06-25
49Lofi Mood - Headphonic Impromptu2007-10-07
65Flanicx - Eletrônica do Brasil [Brazilian Electronica] - MixtapeED#1 [PTDMIX001, Nov2007]2007-11-30
39Francis Plagne - Francis Plagne2007
50Claudio Rocchetti - These are the days2007
59Mills & Boon - Down With The Kids (2008)2007
96Sala della Pallacorda - Massive Nonsense 1.02007
82Fenshu - Leftover Extensions (PTDM007, 2008)2008-01-20
52Giorgos Stefanou - Internal Sonic Pathway2008-02
89Juan Gámiz - Órgano de Zadar2008-03-21
45Massimo Croce - Luigi Russolo Tribute2008-04-23
40Claudio Rocchetti - Another Piece of Teenage Wildlife2008-04
56Sculpture - Feed the Bees2008-08-29
34This Morn' Omina - Le Serpent Rouge2008-10-02
27Maurizio Bianchi & Claudio Rocchetti - Alienation2008-12-00
58Pauline Oliveros - Four Electronic Pieces 1959-19662008-12-09
88Iri Li - Broken Summer2008-12-25
62Sick to the Back Teeth - Digital Concrete2008
66Christian Munthe - The Backside Suite2008
97Sala della Pallacorda - Pain Laboratories (split w/Animal Machine)2008
21Jgrzinich - time's arrow landing2009-05-07
93Coen Oscar Polack - The Skipping Monk (Recordings of Nature and Culture in India)2009-06-13
70Fenshu - Sexless String EP (Live Bonus) (RPTDM003, 2009)2009-07-11
100Black Dreams - Chapter One2009-09-26
80Oskar Hallbert - 11235813213455892009-10-08
75Canoply Games - Post-Music#22009-12-17
61Andy's Airport Of Love - EP2009
71Andy's Airport Of Love - Actually, I am Sasha Fierce2009
81Kristian Day - We Destroyed This Land for Democracy2009
18Xihilisk - Instruction manuals for impossible machines (2006)2010-07-07
19Xihilisk - anEP (2007)2010-07-07
25Xihilisk - 0396 (2006)2010-07-07
46The Tamborines - Cathedral Classics Volume One2010-08-11
94Irene La Sen & Jazznoize - [ISOR024] Los Métodos2010-08-30
68Blear Moon - Sauvignon Valley EP2010-10-20
38Radikal Satan - Clochette2010
63Dntel - Clelia II [basic_sounds - bsc_011]2011-06-30
53Kanellos - Is This Innovation Or A Mistake?2011-09-29
54MAS & Travis McAlister - The Fade Out Room2011-12-08
67Parallel 41 - Parallel 412012-06-01
9FANTASMES - Redness Moon2012
17Various Artists - avant-unlistenable2012
41Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwoch aus Licht2012
86Lucia Ronchetti - Xylocopa Violacea2012
78Alejandro Remeseiro - Storm2014-02-25
24EUS - Reviraje2016-01-31
72K. Leimer - FTS0012016-08-00
36Leyden Jars - Heat Death2016
91Glaufx Garland - Dreaming In City Ruins - Franz Kafka2018-08-27
4crisis sigil - crisis sigil2019-04-29
48Ecovillage - beko_802020-02-07