Albums scraped2021-12-12T10:07:54.654Z
Last updated2021-12-18T13:35:44.723Z
Released at
31Skinny Puppy - Remission1984-12
15Organum - In Extremis1986
58Sleezy D. - I've lost control1986
94Blackhouse - Holy War1987
42Ghentlon - Cheebala1988
39Frankie Bones - Call It Techno1989
56Ghentlon - Technodream1989
6Spectrum - Brazil1990
25Techno Bert - Neue Dimensionen1990
32Project 86 - Industrial Bass1990
50Spectrum - Total Recall1990
51Spectrum - The Remixes1990
8Vomito Negro - The New Drug1991
17Lassigue Bendthaus - Matter1991
60Dj Casanova - Untitled1991
66Mike Ink - The Dialogue EP1991
71Sven Van Hees - Burnin' Fire1991
92Liza 'N' Eliaz - Initial Gain1991
37Sven Van Hees - Emotional rehabilitation (remixes)1992-07-17
27Phenomania - Strings of Love1992
29Kumulus - Cloud Chaser1992
34Toxic Two - Rave generator1992
40Phenomania - Caramelle EP1992
68Test - Overdub1992
70Sven Van Hees - Endorphine EP1992
57Psycho Drums - Acid Page1993-00-00
82Encephaloïd Disturbance - Renegate Ectoplasm1993-00-00
52Cyberpsychose - Cyberpsychose1993-01-02
23Jo Lemaire - Master Serie1993
62Imminent Starvation - Emergency Provision1993
74Magnetic Two - Outsiders1993
75Subsonic 808 - El Otro Mundo de Jaime1993
78Morgan Wild - Dionysian Earth Sacrament1993
89The Kosmik Men - Archetypes1993
98The subjects - Dark Matter1993
10Organum - Tower Of Silence1994
26Lassigue Bendthaus - Render Audible (U.S. remixes)1994
35Sulfurex - Point Break1994
55Silent Breed - Mental Surgery1994
63Morgan Wild - Phat Man1994
77Encephaloïd Disturbance - Magnetic Neurosis1994
81Lassigue Bendthaus - Render Audible (US Remixes)1994
86Asphyx - Flashing1994
97Zekt - second half ep1994
4Ken Ishii - Jelly Tones1995-11-01
14Drax - Amphetamine1995
24Lassigue Bendthaus - Overflow1995
33Elysium - Master of the Rainforest1995
43Psychonauts - Alchemy1995
59Microworld - Chip1995
64Alternative Art - Techno Mania1995
67Encephaloïd Disturbance - Fragments1995
80PUSH - Da Story1995
88Silent Breed - Chemicals1995
72Technotronic - Crazy1996
96Onrust - National Crime History1996
91Zekt - Sound & Vision1997-09-00
99Dilemma - Erase Your Mind1997-09-08
9Zjef Vanuytsel - Het Beste Van Zjef Vanuytsel (Master Serie)1997
79Senical - additional collisions1997
87Christ Of Noise - Hard By Nature1997
93Somatic Responses - Ripped EP1998-01
36Somatic Responses - The World Unseen EP1998-05
61Senical - Malicious Targets1998-09-00
28Sibilant - Proper Filth1998-10-05
7ABN - Abnormaal1998
2Ken Ishii - Sleeping Madness1999-05-21
21Jo Lemaire - Ses Plus Grands Succès1999
48Hi-Per - Gimme More2000-05-00
11ABN - Seriewoordenaar2000
95Senical - Perverted Penetrations Vol. 12002
5Lemon - Magnetic2003-04-16
20ABN - Kanonnevlees2003
30Castro - Shockgolf2003
1Absynthe Minded - Acquired Taste2004-02
18dEUS - Pocket Revolution2005-09-09
41Hooverphonic - No More Sweet Music2005-11-14
16Steve Rachmad - Moog On Acid2007-04-30
45Palomine - Get the luxurious big bath size! - 20072007
12Mint - Pulse2008-03
19dEUS - Vantage Point2008-04-18
22dEUS - Vantage Pont2008
65Spectrum - Keep On Singing2008
3Rødhåd - Spomeniks EP2013-06-03
76Robert Leiner - De:tuned EP2013-06-03
49AnTraxid - Statements Of Social Decay2015-04-30
73AnTraxid - Der Zweifler2015-11-30
38Orphan Swords - License To Desire Remixes2015-12-14
47Castro - Antidepressiva2016
13Maoupa Mazzocchetti - Infinite Glance Court2017-01-09
53animal holocaust - FRONTIERS2017-01-31
44Plus Size - Plus Size2017-03-15
54Vito Lucente - Risen Amoung Angels2017-08-21
85blurred boy - OLD WAR PROJECTS2017-10-22
69Plus Size - A Cruise Down The River Of Tears2017-11-20
100C.L. Lobbestael - Bleed2018-06-18
83Dylab - Climax2018-07-02
90D. Carbone - Paradise Beats2019-05-09
46PUSH - Acid Hysteria2019-06-14