Albums scraped2021-11-28T06:58:59.750Z
Last updated2021-11-30T03:55:09.624Z
Released at
24Pat The Bunny - The Volatile Utopian Real Estate Market1969
29The Lucksmiths - First Tape1993-12
71Beck - Golden Feelings1993
16Beck - Mellow Gold1994-03-01
83Ani DiFranco - Not a Pretty Girl1995-07-01
30The Lucksmiths - The Green Bicycle Case1995
43Dulci - work in progress1995
65Dulci - the fancy pants project week 61995
68Dulci - the truth as i know it1995
72Dulci - now you see them live from nyc 20071995
75Dulci - the fancy pants project week 41995
81Dulci - the fancy pants project week 51995
49Ani DiFranco - Living in Clip1997-04-22
25The Lucksmiths - A Good Kind of Nervous1997
36Various Artists - Folks Pop In at the Waterhouse1997
21The Lucksmiths - Happy Secret1999-03
66The Dan Emery Mystery Band - Love and Advertising2000
23The Lucksmiths - Why that doesn't surprise me2001-02-27
69Jill Sobule - I Never Learned to Swim: Jill Sobule 1990-20002001-03-20
5The Moldy Peaches - The Moldy Peaches2001-05-07
11Regina Spektor - 11:112001-07-09
3The Moldy Peaches - Moldy Peaches2001
19The Lucksmiths - Where Were We?2002-03
9Regina Spektor - Songs2002
44The Lucksmiths - Naturaliste2003-04-07
46Paleface - One Big Party2003
70Paleface - I Just Wanna Play Guitar2003
93Paleface - Free Your Mellow2003
82CocoRosie - La Maison de Mon Reve2004-03-09
73Laura Veirs - Carbon Glacier2004-04-19
84The Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat2004-07-13
8Kimya Dawson - My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess2004-08-03
2Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitsch2004-08-17
54Kimya Dawson - Hidden Vagenda2004-10-04
96Sisa - Orgia2004
32Adam Green - Gemstones2005-01-10
37Why? - Elephant Eyelash2005-10-04
14Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitsch (U.S. Version)2005
15Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitch2005
26Regina Spektor - Mary Ann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories2006-01-16
39Paavoharju - Tuote Akatemia/Unien Savonlinna EP2006-03-15
10Kimya Dawson - Remember That I Love You2006-05-09
27Regina Spektor - Far (Deluxe Version)2006-07-03
51Diane Cluck - Monarcana: Home Recordings 2001-20042006-07-10
12Herman Düne - Giant2006-10-15
98Eugene Ripper - crackle2006
74Austin Townsend - Introvenus2007-04-00
87Turner Cody - 60 Seasons2007-05-11
62El Boy Die - How the way is long...2007-06-30
35Kate Nash - Made of Bricks2007-08-06
63Andrew Jackson Jihad - People That Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World2007-08-21
34Jeffrey Lewis - 12 Crass Songs2007-10-01
7Paul Baribeau - Grand Ledge2007
28Cat Stevens - Harold & Maude2007
50Robh Hokum - Below Ice I Lie2007
64Andrew Jackson Jihad - People Who Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World2007
85Origami Ghosts - Solving My Own Puzzles...2007
31Jaymay - Autumn Fallin'2008-01-28
13The Wave Pictures - Instant Coffee Baby2008-05-05
55Lau Nau - Nukkuu2008-05-14
59Beck - Modern Guilt2008-07-05
78Ranger3 - Old Simplicity2008-11-01
45Brittain Ashford - There, But For You, Go I2008
60Paleface - The Show Is On The Road2009-04-28
1Regina Spektor - Far2009-06-09
38Black Tape for a Blue Girl - 10 Neurotics2009-07-27
18Flight of the Conchords - I Told You I Was Freaky2009-10-20
56Andrew Jackson Jihad - Can't Maintain2009
48John Micah Rapp - February Themes by John Micah Rapp2010-02-25
89Radio Disorder - Unflowers2010-07-01
95Lady Laudanum - To Walk the Plank2010-08-31
76Thy Courage Quail - goblin's gate2010-11-22
67Bark Bark Disco - Your Mum Says Hello!2010
61Sean McCann - The Capital2011-01
47Paleface - A Different Story2011-02-16
88Pete Gioconda - Learning to See2011-04-29
41Padla Bear Outfit - xalkolivan2011-09-14
40Kimya Dawson - Thunder Thighs2011-10-18
77Sloppy Folk - Some Anti-Folk....2011-12-30
52Cldscp - Niños Azules2011
86Crywank - I Daren't Call This Stoner2011
92Cldscp - Menso freakfolk2011
94Syo - Syo2011
97Jeffrey Lewis - Jeffrey Lewis & the Jrams2011
42Ghost Mice - All We Got Is Each Other2012-03-01
20Hop Along - Get Disowned2012-05-05
4Regina Spektor - What We Saw From The Cheap Seats2012-05-29
91Stephan Nance - A Troubled Piece of Fruit2012-07-23
79La Reina Morsa - Fiesta Pequeña (EP)2012
58Elephant Micah - Globe Rush Progressions2013-03-12
22The Uncluded - Hokey Fright2013-05-07
6Crywank - Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday And Everyday Is Stupid2013-11-07
80All These Wasted Nuts - Same Chords. New Songs - Novella2014-06-25
53Crywank - Embarrassing Early Recordings2014-08-27
100Paleface - Multibean Vol.22014-09-00
99Sloppy Folk - The Sloppy Folk Experience2016-06-02
17Crywank - Don't Piss On Me, I'm Already Dead2016-07-20
33Amanda Palmer - Sketches For the Musical JIB2018-03-01
57Just Nick - Just Nick / 20182018-06-28
90Sloppy Folk - Not Another...!!!2019-12-30