# | Name | Released at |
68 | :Wumpscut: - Embryodead | 1997-05-27 |
29 | Funker Vogt - We Came To Kill | 1997-08-11 |
92 | Suicide Commando - Construct >< Destruct | 1998-03-12 |
16 | Feindflug - Im Visier | 1999-11 |
19 | Funker Vogt - Maschine Zeit | 2000-05-02 |
30 | Suicide Commando - Mindstrip | 2000-10-16 |
73 | Funker Vogt - T | 2000-11-27 |
54 | E-Craft - Dos_Unit | 2001-11-30 |
53 | Funker Vogt - Date of Expiration | 2002-06-10 |
61 | God Module - Empath 2.0 | 2003-04-01 |
7 | Combichrist - The Joy of Gunz | 2003-09-01 |
4 | Psyclon Nine - Divine Infekt | 2003-09-15 |
66 | X-Fusion - Dial D for Demons | 2003-09-15 |
12 | Combichrist - Kiss the Blade | 2003-10-30 |
84 | Agonoize - Assimilation: Chapter Two | 2004-10-17 |
70 | L'Âme Immortelle - Dann habe ich umsonst gelebt | 2004-11-08 |
82 | Alien Vampires - I'm Dead Fuck You | 2004 |
24 | Combichrist - Everybody Hates You | 2005-02-21 |
10 | Aesthetic Perfection - Close to Human | 2005-02-22 |
65 | Dawn of Ashes - Sacred Fever | 2005-03 |
25 | Grendel - Soilbleed | 2005-04-25 |
42 | Grendel - Soilbleed Redux | 2005-04-25 |
46 | Decoded Feedback - Combustion | 2005-08-29 |
79 | Suicide Commando - Godsend / Menschenfresser | 2005-11-25 |
39 | Alien Vampires - Evil Generation | 2005 |
6 | Tactical Sekt - Syncope | 2006-04-28 |
11 | Agonoize - Ultraviolent Six | 2006-06-06 |
72 | Rabia Sorda - Save Me From My Curse | 2006-08-12 |
20 | Psyclon Nine - Crwn Thy Frnicatr | 2006-10-23 |
22 | Straftanz - Straftanz | 2006-10 |
28 | Alien Vampires - Nuns Are Pregnant | 2006 |
88 | Hocico - Hate Never Dies (The Remix Celebration) | 2006 |
49 | Combichrist - What The Fuck Is Wrong With You People? | 2007-03-02 |
13 | God Module - Let's Go Dark | 2007-04-20 |
8 | Funker Vogt - Aviator | 2007-04-27 |
78 | X-Fusion - Rotten To The Core | 2007-04-27 |
1 | Grendel - Harsh Generation | 2007-05-04 |
83 | Xentrifuge - Light Extinguished | 2007-05-25 |
31 | A7IE - Distress | 2007-09 |
45 | Dawn of Ashes - The Crypt Injection | 2007-10-25 |
85 | Agonoize - Sieben | 2007-11-09 |
75 | Run Level Zero - Arctic Noise | 2008-01-15 |
64 | Nurzery [Rhymes] - Thorns | 2008-01-25 |
97 | [distatix] - Medication | 2008-03 |
94 | Eden Synthetic Corps - Enhancer | 2008-04-11 |
38 | Straftanz - Tanzt Kaputt, Was Euch Kaputt Macht! | 2008-05-16 |
71 | Straftanz - Forward Ever | 2008-06-13 |
52 | Nachtmahr - Katharsis | 2008-09-19 |
3 | Aesthetic Perfection - A Violent Emotion | 2008-09-26 |
18 | C-Lekktor - The silence Procession | 2008-09-30 |
15 | Agonoize - For The Sick And Disturbed | 2008-10-31 |
93 | Control Alt Deus - Made of Fire | 2008-12-25 |
2 | Combichrist - Today We Are All Demons | 2009-01-20 |
35 | aktivehate - Corrosive Intent | 2009-01-23 |
60 | Alien Vampires - Fuck Off and Die | 2009-01-27 |
34 | Combichrist - Heat EP: All Pain Is Beat | 2009-05-05 |
21 | Centhron - Roter Stern | 2009-05-29 |
63 | Life Cried - Banished Psalms | 2009-06-05 |
43 | Asphyxia - Sense of Decay | 2009-06-27 |
55 | aktivehate - Washed In Blood | 2009-07-29 |
80 | Psyclon Nine - We The Fallen | 2009-09-08 |
87 | Extize - Hellektrostar EP | 2009-09-11 |
27 | Suicide Commando - Die Motherfucker Die | 2009-09-22 |
40 | Rabia Sorda - Noise Diary | 2009-09-25 |
32 | Grendel - Chemicals + Circuitry | 2009-11-27 |
5 | Suicide Commando - Implements of Hell | 2010-01-22 |
37 | Nachtmahr - Mädchen in Uniform | 2010-01-29 |
86 | Psyborg Corp - The Mechanical Renaissance | 2010-02-16 |
98 | Suicide Commando - God Is In The Rain | 2010-02-23 |
58 | A7IE - The Shattering | 2010-05-19 |
17 | Combichrist - Making Monsters | 2010-08-27 |
36 | Funker Vogt - Blutzoll | 2010-10-22 |
100 | XMH - State of Mind | 2010 |
47 | Incubite - Toxicum | 2011-02 |
33 | Combichrist - Throat Full of Glass | 2011-03-04 |
69 | X-Fusion - Thorn In My Flesh | 2011-03-04 |
67 | Distorted Memory - Swallowing the Sun | 2011-03-25 |
50 | Hocico - Ofensor | 2011-04-15 |
76 | God Module - Séance | 2011-09-16 |
44 | Phosgore - Warhead | 2011-11-25 |
48 | Eisbrecher - Verrückt | 2012-01-20 |
23 | Grendel - Timewave Zero | 2012-04-20 |
99 | Grendel - Timewave : Zero | 2012-04-20 |
89 | Alien Vampires - Clubbers Die Younger | 2012-05-04 |
77 | Sleetgrout - We had a Carnival | 2012-06-10 |
51 | Suicide Commando - Attention Whore | 2012-07-20 |
62 | Incubite - Collision Course | 2012-11-23 |
81 | Rave the Reqviem - Reqviem V1.0 | 2013-01-29 |
56 | Centhron - Asgard | 2013-02-01 |
91 | Suicide Commando - When Evil Speaks | 2013-03-05 |
96 | X-Fusion - What remains is black | 2013-05-24 |
74 | Funker Vogt - Companion in Crime | 2013-06-28 |
57 | Aesthetic Perfection - Big Bad Wolf | 2013-10-22 |
9 | Combichrist - We Love You | 2014-03-21 |
26 | Combichrist - This Is Where Death Begins | 2016-06-03 |
95 | Centhron - Allvater | 2017-03-24 |
90 | Psyclon Nine - Icon of the Adversary | 2018-08-24 |
41 | Aesthetic Perfection - Into The Black | 2019-03-29 |
59 | Hocico - Artificial Extinction | 2019-07-19 |
14 | Hatari - Neyslutrans | 2020-01-17 |